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Aviation Data Hub

Onboard, integrate and share structured and unstructured data with all data processing systems and applications throughout the airport.

Baggage Vertical Samples

Create a new bag tag by posting a check-in event

  1. Find the POST /bagtags/event/checkin interface and click on it to expand.
  2. Under parameters, you will see name as bagCheckInEvent and example value under description. Select and copy the example value into Notepad/Editor. Remember to update event time, created time, and origin date to current date and time.
  3. Change all the details in your Notepad/Editor to the example below or as desired.

        "event-type": "BAG_CHECK_IN_EVENT",
        "event-time": "2999-02-26T09:20:51.597Z",
        "location": "checkin_counter",
        "source": "BSM",
        "secondary-identifiers": [
                "identifier": "ADH_TUTORIAL",
                "created": "2999-02-26T09:20:51.597Z",
                "source": "BSM"
        "tag": "0074123456",
        "bag-type": "bag",
        "passenger": {
            "pnr": "PNR-1234",
            "name": "Name-1234",
            "first-name": "Mueller",
            "gender": "male",
            "title": "MR.",
            "phone": "01854388899",
            "email": ""
        "bag-segments": [
                "sequence-number": 0,
                "identifier": {
                    "carrier": "KL",
                    "flight-number": 1997,
                    "operational-suffix": "01",
                    "origin-date": "2999-02-26",
                    "origin-iata-code": "AMS",
                    "destination-iata-code": "ZRH"
                "class-of-travel": "BUSINESS",
                "is-rush-bag": false,
                "passenger-is-crew-member": false

    After changing the data structure to your needs, you can insert the data via the POST interface.

  4. The response code will be 200 (under the server response) when the POST request is successfully executed.

  5. The bag tag is now created and stored in Aviation Data Hub.

Query the created bag tag with a filter

For more information regarding filtering, please refer to the ADH User Manual.

  1. Find the GET /bagtags interface and expand it.
  2. Copy the 0074123456 bag tag from the previous example and paste it into the entry box next to tag, under the "The tag number of the bag tag" description.
  3. Click Execute and check the server response.
  4. For a successful execution, you will see response code 200 and the details of the bag tag under the response body.
  5. On the bottom-right of the response body window, you can click on the Download button to save the response as a JSON data file.
  6. Look for the bag-tag-id, which is a unique bag identity created internally by Aviation Data Hub. Copy and paste the alphanumeric code in Notepad if you did not download the response body.