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Aviation Data Hub

Onboard, integrate and share structured and unstructured data with all data processing systems and applications throughout the airport.

Aviation Data Hub


It’s not uncommon for airports to deal with over a hundred different IT systems that exchange data via thousands of point-to-point connections. The tangle of intertwined and interdependent components results in a static and slow IT system. Data elements that belong together become fragmented. The baggage and flight data of a transfer bag may vary from system to system throughout the bag’s journey.

With Aviation Data Hub, you can onboard, integrate and share structured and unstructured data with all data processing systems and applications throughout. Data stays consistent across systems to increase your agility and time to market.

Our Verticals - Your Developer Ecosystem

The data structures we present are based on decades of Siemens industry knowhow as well as on standards such as IATA’s Airline Industry Data Model (AIDM) and ACI’s Aviation Community Recommended Information Services (ACRIS).

Click one of the areas below to learn more about the details, structure, and data model. You will find additional explanations and examples.

Airport Vertical

The airport vertical deals with master data. Here you will find interfaces for inserting, modifying and reading airport data.

Baggage Vertical

The baggage vertical deals with operational data. Here you will find interfaces for inserting, modifying and reading baggage data.

Flight Vertical

The flight vertical deals with operational data. Here you will find interfaces for inserting, modifying and reading flight data.

Container Vertical

The container vertical deals with operational data. Here you will find interfaces for inserting, modifying and reading container data such as ULDs.

Asset Vertical

The asset vertical deals with master and operational data. Here you will find interfaces for inserting, modifying and reading asset data such as descriptions or time series.