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ANYbotics offers robotic solutions for automated industrial inspections

ANYmal API and SDK


ANYbotics offers robotic solutions for automated industrial inspections. These robotic solutions perform routine condition monitoring tasks based on our legged robotic platforms, ANYmal and the Ex-certified ANYmal X.

ANYmal enables operators to automate on-site inspections, increasing the safety of plant workers and improving data quality. In addition to the ANYbotics "Workforce" user interface for robot control and mission management, ANYbotics provides an API (Application Programming Interface) for integration with third-party software. With the ANYmal API, you can automatically transfer inspection data, trigger robot missions, and manage your robot fleet directly from your existing asset management or digital twin software. The ANYmal API allows developers to harness the power of ANYmal to seamlessly integrate data into their infrastructure.

API Capabilities

The ANYmal API integrates your automated inspection coworker, ANYmal, into your mission and data management infrastructure. The API functionality includes:

  • Real-Time Data Streaming: Acoustic, thermal, gas, and visual inspection feedback.
  • Mission Management: Trigger, monitor (pause/resume/stop), and modify pre-scheduled and “click & act” missions.
  • Detailed Feedback: ANYmal’s pose, joint positions, and location mapping, as well as mission-critical data for post-mission analyses.
  • Mission Notifications: Timely updates on mission status, including completion alerts and anomaly reporting.
  • Connectivity Management: Stable performance during intermittent connectivity issues through connection status monitoring and on-robot caching.
  • Battery Level Monitoring: Track the power status to ensure uninterrupted autonomous operations.
  • Safety & Security: Incorporate third-party authentication via OAuth, emergency and protective stop functions, and authority management for secure access control.
  • Telepresence: Support real-time visual feedback through WebRTC-based streaming video and provide a direct command interface for manual navigation or task-specific commands. These features ensure a robust platform for users to effectively deploy ANYmal for various inspection tasks and robot operations, providing access to status, health information, and live video.

ANYmal Server Integration

ANYmal communicates with an ANYmal server, which offers various application possibilities. The ANYmal server allows developers to route data through the cloud infrastructure provided by ANYbotics, their own cloud networks, or local networks as required. As a customer or partner, you can integrate ANYmal with your own and third-party software systems for asset management, the digital twin, or the data portal, enabling bi-directional communication.

ANYmal API overview


ANYbotics sets up the data exchange via the ANYmal API with actionability and ease of use in mind: You get time-stamped and position-referenced inspection insights and receive the information in standard file formats such as JPG, WAV, E57, PLY, and DAE. The ANYmal API is based on an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) API using gRPC. It is a high-performance RPC framework, using HTTP/2 for transport and Protocol Buffers for interface description. ANYbotics also provides an SDK (Software Development Kit) to simplify interaction with the ANYmal API in C++ and Python. You can access the code samples and comprehensive documentation for the ANYmal SDK. With SDK or gRPC documentation access, developers can choose how to interface with ANYmal API to control missions, receive data, and monitor ANYmal.

Developer Resources

ANYmal SDK code samples and complete documentation - support team.

The ANYmal Research Community develops and shares software and other information.