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Battery Passport

The Battery Passport platform offers a rest API in order to provide data exchange in a standardized and self-described way.


Battery Passport API

The Battery Passport platform offers a rest API in order to provide data exchange in a standardized and self-described way. It is essential to provide a machine to machine interface in order to seamlessly integrate any automated process.

Battery Passport API functionalities

The Battery Passport platform provides operations for two different subsystems:

  • User management
  • Passport management

User management subsystem functionalities

The main functionalities for a user are:

  • Get user information (from the logged user)
  • Update user information (in case the logged user has the proper permissions or rights)
  • Create user (in case the logged user has the proper permissions or rights)

Passport management subsystem functionalities

The main functionalities to manage passports are:

  • Get public passport information (for any logged or not logged user requiring the information)
  • Get owned passports (for any logged user with the proper permissions or rights)
  • Get owned passport information (for any logged user with the proper permissions or rights)
  • Create passport (for any logged user with the proper permissions or rights)
  • Update owned passport (for any logged user with the proper permissions or rights)
  • Delete owned passport (for any logged user with the proper permissions or rights)


For general information about the application, the APIs, any issues or feature requests please contact:
