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Accounts API
This API is an addon to Building X.

Discover calling entity properties like usergroups, partitions or roles.

Accounts API¶

The Accounts API enables you, or rather the calling entity, the machine user to discover in which partitions it has access.

The Accounts API is organized around Customers, Partitions, UserGroups and Roles.

Concepts & Glossary¶

CustomerA Customer represents a company which owns resources like Machine Users and Partitions.
PartitionA Partition represents a logical segmentation of a Customer. It can be used to group a number of Buildings together.
RolesA Role is a set of permissions representing which actions a machine user with a given Role can perform in the system.
UserGroupUser groups allow users to organize Partitions and user access in a fine-grained way. UserGroups can be used to group machine users to give them access to one or multiple Partitions by acting in a certain Role.