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Geometry API

Create and interact with 2D geometry of building floorplans.

Quick Start

Getting started with using Building Geometry API involves the following steps:

  1. Create an account and a machine user.
  2. Create a JSON Web Token (JWT) by using the machine user credentials.
  3. Make API requests using the JWT.


In the following examples we are:

  1. making use of a Linux/MacOS shell in which environmental variables are set using the export command. In other environments it may be different, e.g. Windows uses the set command instead.

  2. using the curl as a client. But the API can be used in any programming language with an HTTP Client, e.g. Go, Python, NodeJS, Javascript and Java.

Create an account and a machine user

The Getting Started page documents the required steps to get a hold of the clientId, clientSecret and partitionId.

Create a token

Use the values described in the Authorization section to construct the Create Token request.

Example request


curl \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d "{

To run this example yourself, set the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET first.

Example response

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiUSJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJdGlhbHMifQ.MJpcxLfyOt",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 86400

The token, or JWT (JSON Web Token), is the value of the access_token property in the response. You can now use it by passing it in the Authorization header of any subsequent API requests. The expires_in property represents the number of seconds your token is valid, usually, the value corresponds to 24 hours. When this time has elapsed you will need to create a new token.

Now you have all you need to start using the API. As a last step of preparation set the token and partitionId as environmental variables. As an option, you can find your partitionId by using the Accounts API.


Make API requests

This guide will take you through the steps you need to perform to retrieve the 2D geometry of a floor. As a prerequisite, it is recommended to lookup a floorId either in the Data Setup application or using the Structure API. In the rest of this document we assume that the floorId is 20cfac0b-d3ae-415e-af95-861d46e5fdda.

Find Floorplan

The first step to perform is to list the floorplans in your partition and specifying a filter for your floor. This you can do by performing the List Floorplans operation and a filter for the the property.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

The response contains all floorplans for the specified floor (floorId). If you have a large number of buildings you may need to retrieve multiple pages, see Pagination.

Select the id property of one of the floorplans in the response and set it in an environmental variable. E.g. if the id is 8db4216d-61c5-4e79-8558-164aa179bfe9 then set it using the following command:

export FLOORPLAN_ID=8db4216d-61c5-4e79-8558-164aa179bfe9

Get Geometry

The next step is to fetch the geometry available in your floorplan. This is achieved by using the List Geometry operation.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

The response contains a GeoJSON-document that can be processed by your application or rendered by multiple commercial and open source components or online tools.