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Lifecycle Twin API

Create and manage various objects in the Lifecycle Twin.

Document new version¶

Lifecycle Twin API doesn't have a logic to create a new version automatically for the file with the same name. API provides the method to check if the new version must be created or not.

Normally the process to create a new version requires 2 steps:

  • Check if the document with the same file name already exist
  • Upload the new file to the existing document

Check if document exist¶

Use the standard GET query with the relevant filter

GET /{entityName}/tabs

filter{"equals":{"Files.Name":"Screenshot 2022-12-20 180429.png"}}

Output example:

        "Name": "Screenshot 2022-12-20 180429.png1",
        "Files": [
                "Name": "Screenshot 2022-12-20 180429.png",
                "Size": 0,
                "SourceType": 0,
                "CreatedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "Version": 0,
                "TotalFileParts": 0,
                "FilePart": 0,
                "Id": "9eae91b1-0c89-8777-5d70-dcc238af074e"
        "Version": 0,        
        "Parent": {
            "Name": "RME_basic_sample_project",
            "Version": 0,
            "IsFolder": false,
            "SubFoldersCount": 0,
            "ChildrenCount": 0,
            "IsAutoName": false,
            "CheckedOut": false,
            "Id": "2320efac-0214-49ad-ae5d-a1a99eb5b6c6"
        "Id": "9c5dc8bd-57c9-4196-adc6-9ec2369df975"

Upload new version¶

PUT /documents/{documentId}/upload

select{"Files": {"Id", "ContentType"}, "Version"}

Body - Multipart

First part:

"Id": "{documentId}",
"Files": [
"Name": "Screenshot 2022-12-20 180429.png",
"ContentType": "image/png",
"FilePart": 1

Second part - file stream


  • Files.Name must be exactly the same as the name of the file in the document. Otherwise the new version will not be created
  • ContentType is mandatory and defined by the host application
  • FilePart is mandatory and equals 1