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Lifecycle Twin API

Create and manage various objects in the Lifecycle Twin.

Find document

Get/Find Documents

Endpoint - /documents


The method returns list of documents or folders by specified criteria.



clientname(mandatory) Portfolio name
authorization(mandatory) Authentication token
projectId(mandatory) Project identifier
select(optional) List of fields to include into the result
filter(optional) Filter parameters
sort(optional) Sorting parameters
pagination(optional) Returns only the part of the requested data

Use cases

Most uses cases to get documents and/or folder are solved by the proper filter

  1. Get the root folder. All folders and files must be unloaded into the root folder. Need to get root folder id then pass this Id as a parent Id.

    {"bool":{"must":[{"equals":{"IsFolder":true}}, {"is\empty": "Parent"}]}}
  2. Get subfolders of the folder

    {"bool":{"must":[{"equals":{"IsFolder":true}}, {"equals": {"Parent.Id": "723d3996-6b6d-4429-93bc-0d9bb4472e31"}}]}}
  3. Find a document by name (in the entire project)

    {"bool":{"must":[{"equals":{"IsFolder":false}}, {"equals": {"Name": "230500-AHU C1 Performance Data.pdf"}}]}}
  4. Find a document by name (in the specific folder)

    {"bool":{"must":[{"equals":{"IsFolder":false}}, {"equals": {"Parent.Id": "723d3996-6b6d-4429-93bc-0d9bb4472e31"}}, {"equals": {"Name": "230500-AHU C1 Performance Data.pdf"}}]}}
  5. Find the documents with filtering by custom filed

    {"bool":{"must":[{"equals":{"CustomFields[f6194a0f-4d4b-451d-9eb0-62d24f58b72c].Value":"A1"}},{"equals":{"Name":"03-Maintenance Guide A"}}]}}
  6. Find the documents updated after a certain time

    {"bool":{"must":[{"equals":{"IsFolder":false}}, {"greater\than\or\equals": {"ModifiedOn": "2021-03-26T13:19:29.683Z"}}]}}