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Lifecycle Twin API is using Json Web Token (JWT) for authentication. The tokens are created by the server, signed with a secret key and passed over to the client, which is using this token for authentication.

Call the api/token endpoint to obtain the token

The token endpoint is found at: {{ApiUrl}}/token The following parameter must be include to the Body:

client_id(mandatory) The client ID provided by Lifecycle Twin Support
client_secret(mandatory) The client secret key provided by Lifecycle Twin Support
grant_type(mandatory) password
username(mandatory) Your Lifecycle Twin username
password(mandatory) Your Lifecycle Twin password

Response sample:

    "access_token": "I-Iy4rCh2zTVQlk.....vMKExs-9tjjF4zgvKm9IunuAg",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 604799,
    "refresh_token": "254120b05398496689d3de9754def62a781be8028d9d40549d4d46e310d4132f",
    "user_sid": "87fbd0ac-3230-4839-a5a8-3eb9f96acdea"