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Building X

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This chapter describes the Power BI Operations table and column definitions.


The Partitions table is used to create and manage partitions, allowing for the organization and division of groups and subscriptions based on data set access permissions.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for partitions
NametextName of the partition
DescriptiontextDescription of the partition


The Locations table stores information about different locations within a building, including their characteristics, contact details, and geographic coordinates.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for locations
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
TypetextType of location (e.g., campus, building, room, floor)
LabeltextLabel or name for the location
TimeZonetextTime zone of the location
DescriptiontextDescription of the location
ExternalIdtextExternal identifier for the location
Coordinate_XnumberX-coordinate of the location
Coordinate_YnumberY-coordinate of the location
PrimaryContactNametextName of the primary contact for the location
PrimaryContactEmailtextEmail of the primary contact
PrimaryContactPhonetextPhone number of the primary contact
HasPostalAddressIdtextIdentifier of associated postal address
Tag_*anyEach location-specific tag is represented as an individual column, making it effortless to access and filter data based on each tag
CreatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of creation
UpdatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of last update
CreatedBytextCreator of the location
UpdatedBytextLast updater of the location

Note: Prefiltered tables are also available for Campus, Building, Floor, and Room location types.


The LocationTags table is used to store information about tags associated with various physical locations within smart buildings and infrastructure. Tags provide additional details and categorization for locations.

Column NameData TypeDescription
LocationIdtextThe identifier for a specific location
TagNametextThe name of the tag associated with the location
TagValueanyThe value of the tag, which can be of various data types, providing specific information about the location


The EquipmentTypes table defines various types of equipment used within the building. It categorizes equipment types and provides descriptive details.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for equipment types
TypetextType of equipment
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
NametextName of the equipment type
DescriptiontextDescription of the equipment type
DomaintextDomain or category of the equipment type
DeprecatedtextIndicates if the equipment type is deprecated
IritextModel description for the equipment type
HasParentTypeIdtextIdentifier of the parent equipment type
HasParentTypetextType of the parent equipment type
CreatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of creation
UpdatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of last update
CreatedBytextCreator of the equipment type
UpdatedBytextLast updater of the equipment type


The Equipment table contains detailed information about specific equipment within the building, such as devices, machinery, or systems.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for equipment
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
EquipmentTypeIdtextIdentifier of the associated equipment type
NametextName of the equipment
NotestextAdditional notes or information about equipment
ExternalIdtextExternal identifier for equipment
SerialNumbertextSerial number of the equipment
ModeltextModel information for the equipment
ManufacturingYearnumberYear when the equipment was manufactured
ManufacturedBytextManufacturer of the equipment
InstallationDatedatetimeDate when the equipment was installed
IsControlledByIdtextIdentifier of the controlling equipment
IsControlledByTypetextType of the controlling equipment
IsPartOfIdtextIdentifier of the parent equipment
IsPartOfTypetextType of the parent equipment
FeedsIdtextIdentifier of equipment feeds
FeedsTypetextType of equipment feeds
LocationIdtextIdentifier of the associated location
LocationTypetextType of the associated location
CreatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of creation
UpdatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of last update
CreatedBytextCreator of the equipment
UpdatedBytextLast updater of the equipment


The Devices table contains information about various devices within the building, including their specifications and connections.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for devices
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
ModelNametextName or model of the device
SerialNumbertextSerial number of the device
ProfileNametextName of the device's profile
ProfileNotestextAdditional notes or details about the profile
HasGatewayTypetextType of the associated gateway
HasGatewayIdtextIdentifier of the associated gateway
HasLocationTypetextType of the associated location
HasLocationIdtextIdentifier of the associated location


The Points table contains individual datapoints collected from various building systems, such as sensors and meters.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for datapoints
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
DeviceIdtextIdentifier of the associated device
EquipmentIdtextIdentifier of the associated equipment
PointGroupIdtextIdentifier of the associated point group
NametextName or label of the datapoint
DescriptiontextDescription of the datapoint
DataTypetextType of data collected (e.g., temperature, humidity)
IsActivelogicalIndicates if the datapoint is active or not
UnittextMeasurement unit of the datapoint
SourceTypetextType of point source (e.g., PointNB)
MinimumnumberMinimum value recorded for the datapoint
MaximumnumberMaximum value recorded for the datapoint
PrecisionnumberPrecision or accuracy of the datapoint
CommandingSemantictextSemantic information for commanding the point
FunctiontextFunction or purpose of the datapoint
Tag_*anyEach point-specific tag is represented as an individual column, making it effortless to access and filter data based on each tag value
CreatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of creation
UpdatedAtdatetimeTimestamp of last update


The PointTags table is designed to store information about tags associated with datapoints or measurements within the smart building and infrastructure system. These tags help categorize and provide context for datapoints.

Column NameData TypeDescription
PointIdtextThe identifier for a specific datapoint or measurement
TagNametextThe name of the tag associated with the datapoint
TagValueanyThe value of the tag, which can vary in data type, providing specific information or context for the datapoint

All tags defined with the data point are included, regardless of the value of the PointTagsFilter parameter, to reflect the data point configuration.


The PointValues table stores the actual values of datapoints collected over time.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for datapoint values
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
PointIdtextIdentifier of the associated datapoint
TimestampdatetimeTimestamp of the datapoint value
ValuetextActual value recorded at the timestamp

Measurement reliability using the following values:

0: Good - Signifying high-quality, trustworthy data.

1: Bad - Generic Error - Denoting unclear or unspecified issues.

2: Bad - Communication Error - Indicating problems in data transmission.

3: Bad - Configuration Error - Relating to errors in system setup.

4: Bad - Off-Normal - Highlighting measurements outside expected parameters (user defined).

5: Bad - Gap - Identifying missing or incomplete data (user defined).


The EnergyMediumConsumptions table contains information about energy medium consumptions.

Column NameData TypeDescription
IdtextUnique identifier for energy medium consumptions
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
NametextName of the energy medium consumption
DisciplinesrecordDisciplines associated with the energy medium consumption
ReferencerecordReference information for the energy medium consumption


The EnergyMediumConsumptionValues table stores the values of energy medium consumptions over time.

Column NameData TypeDescription
MediumConsumptionIdtextIdentifier of the associated energy medium consumption
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
TimestampdatetimeTimestamp of the energy medium consumption value
ValuenumberActual value recorded at the timestamp
UnittextMeasurement unit of the energy medium consumption value


The EnergyMediumConsumptionEmissions table stores information about emissions associated with energy medium consumptions.

Column NameData TypeDescription
MediumConsumptionIdtextIdentifier of the associated energy medium consumption
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
TimestampdatetimeTimestamp of the energy medium consumption emission
ValuenumberActual value recorded at the timestamp
UnittextMeasurement unit of the energy medium consumption emission


The EnergyMediumConsumptionCosts table stores information about costs associated with energy medium consumptions.

Column NameData TypeDescription
MediumConsumptionIdtextIdentifier of the associated energy medium consumption
PartitionIdtextIdentifier of the associated partition
TimestampdatetimeTimestamp of the energy medium consumption cost
ValuenumberActual value recorded at the timestamp
UnittextMeasurement unit of the energy medium consumption cost