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Remote Command API

The Remote Command API allows you send commands to a remote charger and perform the following functions.

  • Control charging activity
  • Modify charger settings and configurations

API Usage

See Token Management API for more information on how to create and use the access token.

Remote Command

Prepare Request Body

Set the following path parameters to prepare the request body.

  1. Charger ID to chargerId.
  2. Remote Command Type to remoteCommandType.
  3. Additional body parameter for sending the payload. Refer the schema RemoteCommandBody for the additional body parameter details. For more information, see Remote Command API Reference.

Example Request


Use the server URL applicable to your region. See API Reference for available server URLs applicable to your region.


export ID_TAG = <YOUR_ID_TAG>

curl --location --request POST '$CHARGER_ID/remoteCommands/$REMOTE_COMMAND_TYPE'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--data '{
  "connectorId": $CONNECTOR_ID,
  "idTag": $ID_TAG

Response Body

Successful response returns 200 HTTP status code with response body as RemoteCommandResponse schema. For more information, see Remote Command API Reference.

Example Response

  "commandType": "startChargingSession",
  "response": {
    "status": "Accepted",
    "message": "Operation successful: Start charging request has been accepted."

Example Responses

Http CodeStatusMessage
200AcceptedOperation successful: Start charging request has been accepted.
200AcceptedOperation successful: Stop charging request has been accepted.
400RejectedOperation denied: Rejected by the charger.
400Operation denied: Invalid Payload.
404Operation denied: Charger is offline.
404Operation denied: Charger ID not found.
404Operation denied: Connector ID not found.
404Operation denied: No ongoing charging.
401Operation denied: Unauthorized IDTag.
500Operation failed: Internal server error.
408Operation failed: Timeout.


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