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DepotFinity is a cloud-based software service that is used to monitor, report, schedule and manage the charging operations of chargers within a depot.

DepotFinity Developer APIs

DepotFinity is a cloud-based software service that is used to monitor, report, schedule and manage the charging operations of chargers within a depot.

DepotFinity API documentation aims to describe the specifications, conventions, steps to get started, and how to use DepotFinity APIs.

DepotFinity APIs allow you to perform the following functions

  • Manage tokens
  • Manage transactions
  • Control charging power limits
  • Generate session reports
  • Get energy prices and power consumption
  • Send remote commands to the charger
  • Terminate an active charger connection
  • Interface with EV using VDV-261 parameters (For more information see VDV-261)
