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Get Area Energy Consumption

An area is a grouping of sensors on a floor. This API returns the aggregate energy consumption in watt-hour for all devices in the area for the last 15 minutes.

For example, if the request is between 10:05:00 and 10:19:59 am, energy data is sent from 9:45 to 10:00 am. Likewise, if the request is between 10:20:00 and 10:34:59, data is sent from 10:00 to 10:15 am. The data is aggregated from all fixtures in the area at 5-minute intervals and is rounded to the nearest last 15-minute interval set.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/area/v1/energy/{area_id} 


em_ip_address_or_hostnameThe Manage (EM) IP address or hostname
area_idArea identifier. Use the Get All Areas API, or in EM, select Facility > Floor > Area in the left panel, and click the Settings tab to get the Area ID.
energy-lightingReports aggregate energy consumption in watt-hour for the last 15 minutes for all lighting fixtures in the area.
energy-plugloadReports aggregate energy consumption in watt-hour for the last 15 minutes for all plugloads in the area.

Sample Request

The Get All Areas API returns the list of all areas and area IDs. For example, suppose a floor has two areas: Hardware area-ID ‘9’ and Software area-ID ‘27’; the user can request Enlighted Manage to return the aggregate energy consumption in watt-hour for all devices in the Hardware area '9' for the last 15 minutes.


Sample Response

  "energy-lighting": "5580.96",
  "energy-plugload": "380.63"