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The Enlighted lighting solution optimizes energy savings while enhancing occupant productivity, well-being, and security.

BLE Mode of Sensor

The API sets the BLE mode of the sensor.


POST https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/fixture/op/assignblemode/{blemode}



em_ip_address_or_hostnameManage’s IP address or hostname
blemodeSensor BLE mode:
- OFF – BLE mode is off;
- SCAN – The sensor scans for BLE signals;
- BEACON – The sensor sends out BLE signals.
idSensor identifier.


statusnnn – Number of sensors where the BLE mode was updated successfully.
msgError message description.
-1 – Error message.

Sample Request

The example below shows how to set the BLE Mode for two sensors to the OFF mode. The response indicates that two fixtures have been updated successfully. If there is an error, the error message is displayed.


Sample Response


    "status": "2", 


      "status": "-1",
      "msg": "Error..."