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Get Driver Test Parameters by Fixture

This API retrieves the driver test parameters for all emergency drivers connected to a sensor in an emergency fixture. Use the Fixture ID returned by the Get Sensor Details by Floor API to send the command to the sensor controlling the fixture.

The command returns relevant driver test parameters for drivers connected to a sensor of an emergency fixture. See the description of the parameters returned in the table below.

If the API cannot get the results after trying for 60 seconds, the API displays a timeout message that the sensor took too long to respond. If you are trying to get emergency lighting test results from a non-emergency lighting fixture, the API returns an invalid Fixture ID. Check to ensure that the sensor is not offline, correct the API syntax, and reissue the call.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/fixture/v1/{fixture-id}/emParameters


   "sensor": [
         "id": "{fixture-id}",
         "emParameters": {
            "emDimLevel": "0-255",
            "emMaxLevel": "0-255",
            "emMinLevel": "0-255",
            "testTimeout": "0-255",
            "prolongTime": "0-255",
            "ratedDuration": "0-255",
            "features": "0-255",
            "testDelayTimeHigh": "0",
            "testDelayTimeLow": "0",
            "functionTestInterval": "0",
            "durationTestInterval": "0",


em_ip_address_or_hostnameThe Manage IP address or hostname
fixture-idSensor or Fixture ID. Use the Get Sensor Details by Floor API to obtain the Fixture ID.
fixture-idSensor or Fixture ID.
emDimLevelThe level at which a fixture will be illuminated during an emergency; corresponds to DALI command 233.
emMaxLevelThe maximum dim light level of the fixture. Not all drivers support this functionality. Corresponds to DALI command 248.
emMinLevelThe minimum dim level of the fixture, not all drivers support this functionality. Correspond to DALI command 247.
testTimeoutRepresents the timeout period at which a driver will stop the test. The minimum timeout duration is 15 minutes. The default is 7 days. Value is defined in 15-minute increments. Corresponds to DALI command 242, DTR= 0x6.
prolongTimeRepresents the time period for which the light will remain in emergency mode after the emergency event ends. Value is defined in 30-second increments. The default is 0 seconds. Corresponds to DALI command 242, DTR = 0x07.
ratedDurationThe rated duration of the Manage battery in 2-minute intervals. A value of 255 represents a time of 510 minutes or longer. Corresponds to DALI command 249.
featuresDefines which features are or are not available on the driver. Corresponds to DALI command 249.
testDelayTimeHighRepresents the highest time delay for the test. The sensor will always set the value to '0'. Corresponds to DALI command 234.
testDelayTimeLowRepresents the lowest time delay for the test. The sensor will always set the value to '0'. Corresponds to DALI command 235.
functionTestIntervalThe sensor will always set the value to '0'. Corresponds to DALI command 236.
durationTestIntervalThe sensor will always set the value to '0'. Corresponds to DALI command 237.

Sample Request

Send a request to retrieve the driver test parameters for all emergency drivers connected to the sensor with the Fixture ID '28'. The API returns the test parameters for emergency drivers connected to the sensor with Fixture ID '28' designated as an emergency fixture.


Sample Response

   "sensor": [
         "id": "28",
         "emParameters": {
            "emDimLevel": "134",
            "emMaxLevel": "254",
            "emMinLevel": "28",
            "testTimeout": "255",
            "prolongTime": "125",
            "ratedDuration": "250",
            "features": "134",
            "testDelayTimeHigh": "0",
            "testDelayTimeLow": "0",
            "functionTestInterval": "0",
            "durationTestInterval": "0"


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