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Get Fixture Status by Fixture

This API retrieves the latest Duration and Functional test results as well as driver status from the emergency driver connected to the sensor. Note that only one emergency driver per sensor is allowed. Use the Fixture ID returned by the Get Sensor Details by Floor API to send the command to the sensor controlling the fixture.

The response includes driver test results, date, and time when the test results were last updated. Note that the test start and completion time will return null until the test is completed or stopped. A valid start and end time are displayed after the test has been completed.

If the API cannot get the results after trying for 60 seconds, the API displays a timeout message that the sensor took too long to respond. If you are trying to get emergency lighting test results from a non-emergency lighting fixture, the API returns an invalid Fixture ID message. Check to ensure that the sensor is not offline, correct the API syntax, and reissue the call.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/fixture/v1/{fixture_id}/emFixtureStatus


   "fixtures": [
         "id": "{fixture-id}",
         "emTestResults": {
            "startTime": "YYYY-MM-DD 24HH:MM",
            "completionTime": "YYYY-MM-DD 24HH:MM",
            "failurestatus": "0-255",
            "emergencyMode": "0-255",
            "emergencyStatus": "0-255",
            "durationResult": "0-255",
            "batteryCharge": "0-255"


fixture_idSensor or Fixture ID. Use the Get Sensor Details by Floor API to obtain the Fixture ID.
idSensor or Fixture ID.
startTimeSystem time at which the driver started the duration test. The time is returned in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. ('null' if no test has been since last sensor reset)
CompletionTimeSystem time at which the driver completed its duration test or functional test. The time is returned in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. ('null' if no test has been completed since last sensor reset)
emergencyModeEmergency mode of the Fixture. Corresponds to DALI command 250.
emergencyStatusEmergency test status. Corresponds to DALI command 253
durationResultRepresents 2-minute intervals of the length of the duration test. Corresponds to DALI command 243.
batteryChargeRepresents the battery charge status. Corresponds to DALI command 241.
failureStatusCorresponds to DALI command 252. Value: 0-255
Status200 – The Enlighted Manage publishes the test results from the sensor connected to the fixture.
400 Bad Fixture ID – Invalid Fixture ID, please correct and try again.
404 Not found – This Fixture ID does not represent an emergency fixture. This function is supported only by emergency fixtures; please select an appropriate Fixture ID.
408 Request Timeout – The sensor took too long to respond; please try again. If occurring frequently this could indicate wireless network setup or interference issues.
500 Internal Server error – Oops, it looks like this sensor is offline, it has not been heard for more than 15 minutes. Please resolve the issue and try again. If the sensor is powered and the issue persists, this could indicate a wireless network problem where the sensor is out of range or interfered with by another RF source.

Sample Request

Send a request to retrieve the latest duration and functional fixture status results from the emergency driver connected to the sensor with Fixture ID '28'. The API returns the Enlighted Manage test results from the sensor.


Sample Response

   "fixtures": [
         "id": "28",
         "emTestResults": {
            "startTime": "2020-07-20 21:41",
            "completionTime": "2020-07-20 22:40",
            "failurestatus": "32",
            "emergencyMode": "2",
            "emergencyStatus": "10",
            "durationResult": "116",
            "batteryCharge": "254"