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The Enlighted lighting solution optimizes energy savings while enhancing occupant productivity, well-being, and security.

Update Test Parameters for a Fixture

This API updates relevant driver test parameters for the emergency driver connected to the sensor. Use the Fixture ID returned by the Get Sensor Details by Floor API to update the following driver test parameters for the emergency driver connected to the sensor.

  • Enlighted Manage Dim Level – This is the light level at which a fixture will be illuminated during an emergency (0-100%). The fixture manufacturer sets the default value.

  • Test timeout – This is the timeout period, after which a driver will stop a test or stop trying to run a test. This parameter is relevant to duration tests, and the value is defined in 15-minute increments. The minimum timeout is 15 minutes (0), and the default is seven days.

  • Prolong time – This is the length of time the light will stay in the emergency state after an emergency event, such as a power failure, ends. The value is defined in 30-second increments; the default value is 0 seconds.

Note: You will not be able to update test parameters on a fixture that is already performing an emergency test. Stop the test and then send the API request.


PUT https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/fixture/v1/{fixture-id}/emParameters
    "emDimLevel": "...",
    "testTimeout": "...",
    "prolongTime": "..."


   "emFixtureStatus": "ems/api/org/fixture/v1/{fixture_id}/emFixtureStatus"



fixture_idSensor or Fixture ID. Use the Get Sensor Details by Floor API to obtain the Fixture ID.
emDimLevelLight level (0-100%); 8bit value corresponds to DALI command 233
testTimeoutTimeout period to stop the test. Min. timeout 15 minutes, max. 7 days; 8bit value corresponds to DALI command 238
prolongTimeLength of time, the light stays on after an emergency event. Specify in 30-second increments; default is 0 seconds; 8bit value corresponds to DALI command 239.


status200 – The Enlighted Manage has sent the messages to the sensor.
400 Bad Fixture ID – Invalid Fixture ID, please correct and try again.
403 Bad Request – The user does not have permission to issue this API call.
404 Not found – This Fixture ID does not represent an emergency fixture. This function is only supported only by emergency fixtures, please select an appropriate Fixture ID.
409 Conflict – Fixture is performing an Emergency Lighting test. Stop the current test and try again.
500 Internal Server error – Oops, it looks like this sensor is offline, it has not been heard for more than 15 minutes.  Please resolve the issue and try again. If the sensor is powered and the issue persists, this could indicate a wireless network problem where the sensor is out of range or interfered with by another RF source.
emParametersURI for the API user to request the emergency test parameters of the fixture to confirm fixture test parameters

Sample Request

Using the Fixture ID returned by the Get Sensor Details by Floor API, update the driver test parameters' values for the emergency driver connected to the sensor with Fixture ID '28'. The API returns status code 200 to indicate the Enlighted Manage has sent the appropriate messages to the sensor.

Note that if you attempt to update the test parameters on a fixture that is already performing a test, then Manage will reject the API request.

PUT https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/fixture/v1/28/emParameters
  "emDimLevel": "120",
  "testTimeout": "84",
  "prolongTime": "20"

Sample Response

  "emParameters": "ems/api/org/fixture/v1/28/emParameters"