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The Enlighted lighting solution optimizes energy savings while enhancing occupant productivity, well-being, and security.


Temperature APIs

Is a temperature API available?

Yes. See Get Sensor Details.

How accurate is the temperature data?

The temperature data is accurate within two degrees Fahrenheit over the Sensor's operating range. The temperature sensor is inside the sensor. And the sensor is frequently inside a light fixture. Consequently, the sensor temperature is generally more helpful in detecting temperature changes rather than for absolute temperature measurement of the space below.

Data Transfer

How often does the data transfer, and is there any way to get it down to shorter (e.g., a few seconds)?

The data transfer occurs every 5 minutes. No, you cannot shorten the time.

Are the APIs exposed, accessible, and secure (Radio and Wired)?

Data is received and transmitted over HTTPS. API authentication employs a hashed token linked with a single user. Refer to the User Authentication for APIs article for more information.

What are the conditions for accessing data and commands described in the APIs for call frequencies per minute/hour/days/month and for the supported data volume?

Request call frequency should not exceed one request per 500ms. The parameter limits for a given API are documented in the description. Please refer to the APIs Documentation for more information.