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Get Sensor Location by Floor

This API retrieves the fixture details and Fixture IDs for the sensors based on the designated sensor or fixture type. The sensors are classified into the following types:

  • Emergency sensors – Returns sensors designated as emergency fixtures in Enlighted Manage (EM)
  • Desk sensors – Returns sensors designated as Desk sensors in Manage.
  • Fixtureless sensors – Returns sensors designed as Fixtureless including Desk sensors.
  • Fixtured sensors – Returns sensors that control lights.

The API response is filtered based on the category of sensors. The response is not filtered when the category or class is not specified in the API call. If the Floor ID is incorrect, the command returns 400 with the message "Floor ID does not exist; please correct and try again".

Note: Enlighted Manage (EM) versions below 3.10 do not support filtering based on sensor type.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/fixture/location/list/floor/{floor_id}/1?class={filter}



em_ip_address_or_hostnameThe Manage IP address or hostname
floor_idFloor identifier. Use the Get All Floors API, or in EM, select Facility > Floor > in the left panel, and click the Settings tab to obtain the Floor ID.
filterFilter: Class Value. Specify only one filter class, if the filter class is not specified, then the response is not filtered. Possible values are Emergency (returns sensors designated as emergency fixtures in the Energy Manager (EM)), Desk (returns sensors designated as Desk sensors in EM), Fixtureless (returns sensors designed as Fixtureless in EM including Desk sensors), and Fixtured (returns sensors that control lighting fixtures).


fixture_idSensor or Fixture ID
idFixture identifier
nameName of the Fixture
xaxisScaled reference of the distance measured in the horizontal dimension from the lower-left corner of the uploaded floor plan
yaxisScaled reference of the distance measured in the vertical dimension from the lower-left corner of the uploaded floor plan
macaddressMAC Address. NOTE: Manage does not store leading zeros when saving or returning MAC/SNAP addresses. For example, "00:c0:17" will be stored as "0:c0:17”
groupidProfile group identifier. The ID of the profile associated with the fixture
classSensor Type: Emergency, Desk, Fixtureless, Fixtured

Sample Request

Send a request to retrieve fixture details filtered based on the type of sensors 'fixtured' on Floor 2. The API returns the fixture details of all sensors that control light fixtures (fixtured sensors) on Floor 2.


Sample Response

  "fixture": [
      "id": "28",
      "name": "Sensor00c017",
      "xaxis": "966",
      "yaxis": "391",
      "macaddress": "0:c0:17",
      "groupid": "185",            
      "class": "fixtured"
      "id": "1364",
      "name": "Sensor00629dd",
      "xaxis": "270",
      "yaxis": "90",
      "macaddress": "6:29:dd",
      "groupid": "196",            
      "class": "fixtured"


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