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The Enlighted lighting solution optimizes energy savings while enhancing occupant productivity, well-being, and security.

Get Organization Details API

This API returns the list of all campuses in an organization and details, such as the Campus ID, name, location, and so on.


GET https://{em_ip_address_or_hostname}/ems/api/org/company



em_ip_address_or_hostnameThe Enlighted Manage (EM) IP address or hostname


idOrganization identifier from Manage
nameOrganization name as described in Manage
addressOrganization address
contactCompany's contact phone information
emailThe email address of the contact person in the company
completionstatusFor internal use
validdomainThe domain name for the company
priceElectricity rate in cents per kWh
timezone_nameTimezone information for the specified organization location
campusList of campuses in the company along with details for each campus
ID: Campus ID
name: Campus Name
location: Campus location
calcMethod: Energy savings calculated based on the sensor’s baseline energy or contract baseline energy.
SENSOR_BASED – Savings based on the sensor’s baseline energy
CONTRACTUAL – Savings based on contract baseline energy. The contract baseline energy is calculated using the annual baseline energy savings stipulated in the customer’s signed agreement for the campus at the time of installation.
contractBaseline: Baseline energy savings for the campus
locationCampus location
title 24 complianceEnabled if the site is geographically located where Title 24 is required
Yes: Enabled
No: Disabled
latitudeCompany’s latitude coordinate
longitudeCompany’s longitude coordinate

Sample Request

Retrieve the list of all campuses in an organization using the Organization ID. The response includes the company ID, company name, organization contact details, and list of all campuses in the organization.


Sample Response

    "id": "1",
    "name": "Acme_Inc",
    "address": "51-B Mount Poonamallee Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600016",
    "contact": "9994355806",
    "email": "",
    "completionstatus": "3",
    "validdomain": "",
    "price": "7.0",
    "timezone_name": "Asia/Kolkata",
    "campus": [
            "id": "1",
            "name": "Hampton",
            "location": "Chennai",
            "calcMethod": "SENSOR_BASED",
            "contractBaseline": "0.00"
            "id": "3",
            "name": "Monroe",
            "location": "Chennai",
            "calcMethod": "SENSOR_BASED",
            "contractBaseline": "0.00"
            "id": "5",
            "name": "Hampton2",
            "location": "Chennai",
            "calcMethod": "SENSOR_BASED",
            "contractBaseline": "0.00"
    "ntpEnable": "Y",
    "ntpServers": ",,,",
    "title24": {
        "compliance": {
            "flag": "No"
    "latitude": "13.007524",
    "longitude": "80.20064"