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Contribute to Developer Portal from Github

The project developer-portal-partners helps the external partners of Siemens to onboard documentation to Developer Portal via Github

The Documentation uploaded at developer-portal-partners project automatically gets uploaded to the Developer Portal via an internal git workflow.

Project structure

  • Docker-compose.yml: The developer-portal-partners docker image provides a "lightweight" version of the Xcelerator Developer Portal. Partners can use this docker image via the docker-compose.yml to preview the documentation and visualize how the documentation would look like once it is in the Developer Portal.
  • Contribution Guidelines: The contribution guidelines provides an overview of the required documentation and folder structures.
  • Example: The documentation of our external partner Anybotics is available as an example.

Getting started and FAQs

Please refer to the contribution guidelines for detailed information.


For any questions or further information please open an issue in the developer-portal-partners Issues