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Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4Analysis

Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4Analysis provides MQTT data streaming and complementary REST APIs to manage and download process data recorded from CNC controllers. Those interfaces allow for a seamless data provisioning for existing IT systems such as data lakes or custom analysis pipelines. SINUMERIK Edge for is required for installation of Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture4Analysis.

This edge application provides following APIs

Manage recordings (OpenAPI)

List, download and delete recorded datasets. The full documentation is available in the Analyze MyWorkPiece Capture4Analysis developer documentation.

MQTT streaming (AsyncAPI)

You can stream recorded datasets to an MQTT broker. The full documentation is available on the Analyze MyWorkPiece Capture4Analysis developer documentation.

Additional Resources

Analyze MyWorkPiece / Capture4AnalysisAnalyze MyWorkpiece /Capture/Capture4Analysis Documentation.
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