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Industrial IoT Open Source Tools and Libraries

Demo applications, libraries and SDKs as well as useful connectivity tools which are maintained and released as open source software.

MindConnect-NodeJS - CLI


The library comes with a command line interface which can be used to upload timeseries, files and create events in the InsightsHub. It can also be used to create starter projects, list, create and delete assets, aspect and asset types, manage users and groups, create data lake permissions etc.

Installation via npm package manager

You will need node.js installed on your computer as prerequisite.

npm install -g @mindconnect/mindconnect-nodejs

See also getting started section of this documentation

Binary Releases

The library can also be downloaded as executable from the GitHub release page.

Download the version for your system and place it in folder which is in your PATH.

  • mdsp.exe for windows
  • mdsp-macos for macOS
  • mdsp-linux for Linux

Linux, macOS: Rename the file to mdsp and make sure that the file is marked as executable (chmod +x).

Agent Commands

mdsp onboardonboard the agent with configuration stored in the config file
mdsp configure-agentcreate data source configuration and mappings (optional: passkey) *
mdsp agent-tokendisplays the agent token for use in other tools (e.g. postman)
mdsp upload-timeseriesparse .csv file with timeseriesdata and upload the timeseries data to InsightsHub
mdsp upload-fileupload the file to the InsightsHub file service (optional: passkey) *
mdsp create-eventcreate an event in the InsightsHub (optional: passkey) *
mdsp agent-statusdisplays the agent status and agent onboarding status *
mdsp create-agentcreate an agent in the InsightsHub *
mdsp offboard-agentoffboards the agent in the InsightsHub *
mdsp renew-agentrenews the agent secrets *
mdsp register-diagnosticregister agent for diagnostic *
mdsp get-diagnosticget diagnostic information *
mdsp unregister-diagnosticunregister agent from diagnostic *

IoT Bulk Commands

mdsp prepare-bulkcreates a template directory for timeseries (bulk) upload *
mdsp run-bulkruns the timeseries (bulk) upload job from directory *
mdsp check-bulkchecks the progress of the upload jobs from directory *
mdsp download-bulkdownload the timeseries data in bulk from InsightsHub *
mdsp delivery-jobsmanage mqtt delivery jobs to publish MQTT commands to the clients *

Assets, Files and Event Handling Commands

mdsp asset-locklock/unlock asset model modifications *
mdsp asset-infoget infos about asset *
mdsp assetslist, create or delete assets *
mdsp asset-typeslist, create or delete asset types *
mdsp aspectslist, create or delete aspects *
mdsp event-typeslist, create or delete event types *
mdsp eventslist, create or delete events *
mdsp events-bulkdownload or delete the events in bulk *
mdsp aggregateslist timeseries aggregates *
mdsp timeserieslist timeseries *
mdsp notificationssend email, sms and push notifications *

InsightsHub Open Edge Device Management Commands

mdsp oe-device-typeslist, create or delete device types (open edge) *
mdsp oe-deviceslist, create or delete (open edge) devices *
mdsp oe-device-statuslist, get, or update (open edge) device status information *
mdsp oe-app-instlist, create, configure or delete app instance (open edge) *
mdsp oe-app-deploylist, create, update app installation task(s) (open edge) *
mdsp oe-deploy-workflowlist, create/instantiate, update or delete/cancel workflow deployment model or instance(s) (open edge) *
mdsp oe-firm-deploylist, create, update firmware deployment task(s) (open edge) *

Tenant Management Commands

mdsp tenantcreate or delete tenant legal configuration and logo *
mdsp subtenantslist, create or delete subtenants *

Deprecated Commands

mdsp list-assetslist assets in the tenant *
mdsp delete-assetdelete asset with id from InsightsHub *
mdsp list-fileslist files stored with the asset *
mdsp download-filedownload the file from InsightsHub file service *
mdsp delete-filedelete the file from InsightsHub file service *

Identity and Access Management Commands

mdsp identity-managementmanage InsightsHub users, groups and roles *
mdsp policylist, create or delete policies *
mdsp service-credentialsprovide login for commands which require technical user credentials *
mdsp service-tokendisplays the service token for use in other tools (e.g. postman) *

Integrated Data Lake and Semantic Data Interconnect Commands

mdsp data-lakemanage data lake, data lake access permissions and STS tokens *
mdsp sdi-data-lakesmanage data lakes for SDI *
mdsp sdi-data-registriesmanage data registries for SDI *
mdsp sdi-iot-registriesmanage iot data registries for SDI *
mdsp sdi-data-typesmanage data types for SDI *
mdsp sdi-file-uploadupload file to SDI *
mdsp sdi-ingest-jobsmanage ingest jobs for SDI *
mdsp sdi-search-schemassearch SDI schemas *
mdsp sdi-data-queriesmanage data queries for SDI *
mdsp sdi-execution-jobsmanage data execution jobs for SDI *
mdsp sdi-ontologiesmanage ontologies for SDI *
mdsp sdi-ontology-jobsmanage ontology jobs for SDI *

Mobile Apps, Message Broker, Workorder Commands

mdsp mobile-appslist, create or delete mobile apps *
mdsp mobile-app-instanceslist, create or delete mobile app instances *
mdsp message-brokermanage message broker subscriptions and webhooks *
mdsp caseslist cases *

Data Analytics Commands

mdsp modelslist, create or delete analytic models *
mdsp jobslist, create or stop jobs *
mdsp scheduleslist, create, start, stop or delete job schedules *
mdsp data-exchangelist, upload, download and manage data exchange files and directories *

Developer Support Commands

mdsp dev-proxystarts InsightsHub development proxy & (optional passkey) *
mdsp mqtt-createjwtcreates a signed token for opcua pub sub authentication #
mdsp starter-tscreates a starter project in typescript #
mdsp starter-jscreates a starter project in javascript #
mdsp markdown-helpgenerates folder with markdown help commands for the CLI*