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TypeScript SDK - Contributing

If you want to contribute with a new client implementation to typescript SDK here are some guidelines:

1. Create an Issue

Tell the community that you are working on an client :)

2. Create the file structure

client and models:




cli command(s):

\src\cli\commands folder

Just follow the existing code examples ;)

3. Generate the Models

You can generate the models form OpenAPI specification using. e.g. and typescript-fetch template. The models belong into the namespace called <yourapi>Models

export namespace TimeSeriesAggregateModels {
....models go here

4. Implement the Client, Tests and CLI commands

Implement the client for your API using this.HttpAction method and following the existing conventions. Using HttpAction ensures that the API Client works with different authorizers. Here is an example for TimeSeriesAggregateClient:

// Always extend SdkClient, this will give you access to this.HttpAction
export class TimeSeriesAggregateClient extends SdkClient {
    // base Url from OpenAPI specification
    private _baseUrl: string = "/api/iottsaggregates/v3";

    // the path parameters belong in the function parameters and the querystring parameters in params object
    public async GetAggregates(
        entityid: string,
        propertyset: string,
        params: { from: Date; to: Date; intervalValue: number; intervalUnit: string; select?: string }
    ): Promise<TimeSeriesAggregateModels.Aggregates> {
        const qs = toQueryString(params);
        return (await this.HttpAction({
            verb: "GET",
            gateway: this.GetGateway(), // always use this.GetGateway()  and this.GetToken()
            authorization: await this.GetToken(), //this is overriden in different authorizers
            //and ensures that the Client works in frontend and in backend.
            baseUrl: `${this._baseUrl}/aggregates/${entityid}/${propertyset}?${qs}`,
            message: "GetTimeSeriesAggregates", // this is used for logging
        })) as TimeSeriesAggregateModels.Aggregates; // always cast to the real result type from models

You also have to create a Method for lazy loading of your new client on the MindSphereSdk class

private _timeSeriesAggregateClient?: TimeSeriesAggregateClient;

public GetTimeSeriesAggregateClient(): TimeSeriesAggregateClient {
    this._timeSeriesAggregateClient =
        this._timeSeriesAggregateClient || new TimeSeriesAggregateClient(this._authenticator);
    return this._timeSeriesAggregateClient;

and add export to src\api\sdk\index.ts file:

export * from "./iotaggregate/iot-timeseries-aggregate";
export * from "./iotaggregate/iot-timeseries-aggregate-models";

Make sure that the tests are running and create a pull request. We would also really appreciate a CLI contribution. ♥️