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Industrial Operations X

With smart IT capabilities and software development methods, Industrial Operations X helps make your production process more flexible, autonomous and people-centric.

Industrial Operations X

With smart IT capabilities and software development methods, Industrial Operations X helps make your production process more flexible, autonomous and people-centric. This enables teams to overcome growing challenges in the industry sector.

What is Industrial Operations X

Industrial Operations X enables a highly flexible and people-centric production. We integrate IT and software capabilities into automation, with machine learning and data analytics built-in to increase adaptability. Our intuitive automation solutions support teams from a range of automation and IT backgrounds.

Industrial Operations X - a true Siemens Xcelerator Solution

Industrial Operations X is part of Siemens Xcelerator, focusing on industrial operations. Siemens Xcelerator is an open digital business platform that enables digital transformation faster and at a larger scale. It is based on four principles:

  • Interoperable: Several solutions work together across communication structures with more to be integrated in the future
  • Flexible: low-code environment for easy customization of solutions
  • Open: standardized APIs for powerful data analysis
  • As a service: Several options are already available with more to be added as the platform grows

An open and interoperable ecosystem

Industrial Operations X helps build the open ecosystem of Siemens Xcelerator, as Industrial Operations X products can be combined with existing Siemens automation solutions. As an open and interoperable system, it can interact with 3rd party systems in industrial operations, and other providers are able to join the ecosystem. Our commitment to the open ecosystem is reflected in the product overview with all products and APIs which are part of Siemens Industrial Operations X. (we are constantly onboarding the documentation of new products and APIs, so please check back often!)

You can also find the list of all Industrial Operations X APIs in our API catalog.

Flexibility that responds to your needs

Siemens Xcelerator promises to make digitalization easy, open and flexible. Industrial Operations X makes this promise real in the production and automation world. Integrating IT and software capabilities into the shop floor enables you to create a highly flexible and people-centric production capable of responding to new requirements.

A holistic approach for a bigger picture

Industrial Operations X focuses on consistently and holistically integrating IT capabilities and proven methods of software operations into the world of industrial automation — from production to the processes of suppliers, customers and data from buildings and grids. Maintaining an overview of all areas of industrial operations gives you a more accurate picture of what’s happening in the production chain, and you can respond accordingly.