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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Case Management Service – Pagination

When working with a tenant, it typically collects more and more cases. When exploring these using the respective GET /cases endpoint, the responses would contain object lists with several hundreds of entries. In order to break the results down into processable chunks, the Case Management Service provides a pagination functionality. This functionality divides the results into pages, which only hold a defined number of results.

The following endpoints support the pagination functionality:

GET /cases

Pagination Parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
sizeDefines how many objects are returned per page. (optional)15
pageEach page only holds as many objects as defined by the size parameter and by default, only the first page is returned. Use this parameter to change the page number to be returned. (optional)0
sortDefines based on which object attributes the results are sorted. (optional)createdDate in descending order

As the table indicates, the pagination parameters are optional. By default, the endpoints return the first 15 elements in createdDate descending order. The page field of the response lists the value of the size parameter, totalElements as the total number of elements, totalPages as the total number of pages, and number as the page number of the returned page, for example:

"page": {
    "size": 15,
    "totalElements": 365,
    "totalPages": 25,
    "number": 0


The number of objects returned per page is set using the size parameter. Its default value is 15. Note that changing the size value affects the total number of pages, as the total number of objects is divided into bigger or smaller chunks. Maximum page size of 200 is allowed for case management GET APIs: GET /cases.


By default, the first page of a result is returned. Its page number is 0, as is the default value of the page parameter. If a result consists of multiple pages, select the page to be returned using this parameter.


Using the sort parameter, you can modify both the sorting attributes and the order of the sorting. The input for this parameter is case-sensitive and accepts the name of the object attribute to base the sorting on. All object attributes specified as filterable are allowed as input.
For sorting in descending order, append the name of object attribute with :desc and append :asc for ascending order. This requires that the object attribute is set explicitly, even if you want to use the default value. Multiple sorting attributes with order can be given in request sort parameter.