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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Notification for Event Creation or Update


With subscription based notification, the 3rd party applications can now integrate subscription to topics related to event objects. Such applications would be then able to receive notifications when there's a change in status of event objects. Applications can respond with desired actions upon receiving a notification such as using 'GET events by ID API' to fetch more details about the event if required. This feature enables developers to build optimized interactions in the applications and make them performant.

To create and publish App for consuming Event notification, refer to How to Subscribe to notifications for event status change


Subscription based notification is add-on offering on Public Cloud.


  • The time interval for publishing notification is 1 minute.
  • The underlying messaging service may bring nomenclature/version changes in near term; which may need changes and adaption in customer application.


  • Message Broker API
  • Provisioning API


  1. What is notification level in asset model?
    • The notification will be available at tenant level.
  2. What is the maximum number of events information per notification?
    • The maximum number of Events information in one message will be 1000.
  3. Can customer get delayed notification?
    • Yes, in case any Insights Hub component is non-operational.