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Job Manager Service– Samples

Running a Model

Input Parameters

  • modelId: Defines the ID of the model, which must be accessible by the tenant using Model Management Service.

    Supported Models

    Currently, only Apache Zeppelin notebooks are supported.

  • configurationId: Defines the Environment Configuration created using the Predictive Learning services. The Job Manager instantiates the environment and runs the model on it.

  • inputFolderId: Defines the folder holding the input data, which must be accessible by the tenant using Data Exchange Service.
  • outputFolderId: Defines the output folder, which must already be created and be accessible by the tenant using Data Exchange Service.
  • maximumExecutionTimeInSeconds: Defines the maximum allowed execution time of the job. Only the actual execution time of the execution engine (Apache Zeppelin) is taken into account.

Starting the Job


POST /api/jobmanager/v3/jobs
X-XSRF-TOKEN: `<xsrf_token>`

The input parameters are defined in the body:

  "modelId": "<modelId>",
  "configurationId": "<configurationId>",
  "inputFolderId": "<inputFolderId>",
  "outputFolderId": "<outputFolderId>",

Sample response:

  "id": "<job_execution_id>",
  "modelId": "<modelId>",
  "environmentId": "<environmentId>",
  "message": "",
  "status": "SUBMITTED",
  "creationDate": "2018-10-01T12:00:00.001Z",
  "createdBy": "<your_tenant_id>",
  "inputFolderId": "<inputFolderId>",
  "outputFolderId": "<outputFolderId>",
  "configurationId": "<configurationId>",

The <job_execution_id> is required for monitoring the job using the Job Manager.

Monitoring Job Execution

The current status of a job is requested using:

GET /api/jobmanager/v3/jobs/<job_execution_id>

Sample response:

  "id": "<job_execution_id>",
  "modelId": "<modelId>",
  "environmentId": "<environmentId>",
  "message": "Started notebook execution.",
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "creationDate": "2018-10-01T02:00:00.001Z",
  "createdBy": "<your_tenant_id>",
  "inputFolderId": "<inputFolderId>",
  "outputFolderId": "<outputFolderId>",
  "configurationId": "<configurationId>",

The following statuses are available:


The status is FAILED, if the job execution cannot be completed or an error occurred during the execution. This is also true, if only a single paragraph within a Zeppelin notebook fails and all other steps succeed. The Job Manager attempts to continue a job execution, if the execution workflow allows skipping individual steps.

Retrieving the List of Jobs

A list of all available jobs is retrieved using the following request:

GET /api/jobmanager/v3/jobs

By default, the Job Manager divides the result into pages of 100 entries and returns the first page. Using the query parameter <pageNumber>, the page number to be returned can be changed. The query parameter <pageSize> changes the number entries per page.


 "content": [
     "jobId": "<job_execution_id>",
     "modelId": "<modelId>",
     "environmentId": "<environmentId>",
     "message": "message",
     "status": "SUCCEEDED",
     "creationDate": "2018-10-01T12:00:00.001Z",
     "createdBy": "TenantId",
     "inputFolderId": "<inputFolderId>",
     "outputFolderId": "<outputFolderId>",
     "configurationId": "<configurationId>",
     "jobId": "<job_execution_id>",
     "modelId": "<modelId>",
     "environmentId": "<environmentId>",
     "message": "Unable to import model into Zeppelin[I/O error on GET request for \"https://gateway.{region}.{MindSphere-domain}/api/modelmanagement/v3/models/<model_id>/versions/last\": Server returned HTTP response code: 504 for URL: https://gateway.{region}.{MindSphere-domain}/api/modelmanagement/v3/models/<model_id>/versions/last; nested exception is Server returned HTTP response code: 504 for URL: https://gateway.{region}.{MindSphere-domain}/api/modelmanagement/v3/models/Model_id/versions/last] Error while stopping environment",
     "status": "STOPPING",
     "creationDate": "2018-10-01T12:00:00.001Z",
     "createdBy": "TenantId",
     "inputFolderId": "<inputFolderId>",
     "outputFolderId": "<outputFolderId>",
     "configurationId": "<configurationId>",
     "jobId": "<job_execution_id>",
     "modelId": "<modelId>",
     "environmentId": "<environmentId>",
     "message": "Failed to start environment [An environment has already been started for the configuration]",
     "status": "FAILED",
     "creationDate": "2018-10-02T12:00:00.001Z",
     "createdBy": "TenantId",
     "inputFolderId": "<inputFolderId>",
     "outputFolderId": "<outputFolderId>",
     "configurationId": "<configurationId>",
 "totalPages": 1,
 "totalElements": 3,
 "last": true,
 "size": 20,
 "number": 0,
 "numberOfElements": 3,
 "first": true,
 "sort": null

The second and third entry illustrate, that the chain of messages is returned to the user, if a fatal error is encountered and the execution logic cannot recover. The Job Manager attempts to stop the used instances, while preserving any outputs that might have been produced.