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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

OPC UA PubSub Model to Insights Hub Data Model Mapping¶

Timeseries Data Model Mapping¶

The mapping of OPC UA PubSub model to Insights Hub data model for Timeseries messages is as below.

The following model is relevant to c/{clientId}/o/opcua/v3/u/m/t topic.

Network Message

Network Message With Mapping

Aspect name is {StructureDefinitionName} + "Fields"

If the structure definition name is "SPS", then the Aspect name will be "SPSFields".

Network Message With Mapping 2

If the field name includes slash(s), the string after the last "\" or "/" will be used as the hierarchy asset name.

  • Field Name: "H1/H2/DP1"
  • It is required to create 2 assets where, the type id is OPCUAHierarchyDataType.

If the field name includes slash(s), the string after the last "\" or "/" will be used as the data type asset name.

  • Field Name: "H1/H2/DP1"
  • It is required to create an asset where, the type id is {tenant}.{StructureName}


OPC UA PubSub supports only 2 level hierarchy.


Modifying the data model via Asset Manager UI should be avoided!

Data model (aspect types, asset types, assets, all belonging variables) is dictated by OPC UA PubSub clients/devices and managed by OPC UA PubSub services.
Manual modifications may cause problems with asset model and data ingestion.
For update or deletion questions & requests please contact support.

Event Data Model Mapping¶

The mapping of OPC UA PubSub model to Insights Hub data model for Event messages is as below.

The following model is relevant to c/{clientId}/o/opcua/v3/u/m/e topic.

Network Message Event

Event type id is { tenantId } + ".connectivity.event.type." + {StructureDefinitionName}.

Asset Management and Event Management resources are created automatically according the mappings above.