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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Action Overview and explanation

Actions are the functional permissions between an acting [subject] and an acted on [object]. They allow you to fine-tune access patterns to your requirements.

List of all available actions

Resource TypeActionDescription
mdsp:core:idl:prefix:readRead a prefix (an object in an Integrated Data Lake), to download data from Data Lake
Prefixmdsp:core:idl:prefix:createCreate a prefix, to upload data into Data Lake
mdsp:core:idl:prefix:deleteDelete a prefix, to delete data (single object or in bulk) from Data Lake
Assetmdsp:core:assetmanagement:asset:readAllows a user to read given asset
Assetmdsp:core:assetmanagement:asset:writeAllows a user to make modifications on given asset (on which policy is being created). This means
- user can update/delete given asset
- user can create a new asset with given asset as its parent
- user can update its location
- user can move given asset under other asset on which user has write access
Assetmdsp:core:eventmanagement:event:allowAllows a user to read, create, bulk create and update access to events of corresponding asset
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:write_normalAllows a user to push timeseries data for single Asset/Aspect
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:write_multiassetmultiaspectAllows a user to push timeseries data for multiple Asset/Aspects
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:write_bulkAllows a user to import high frequency timeseries data
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:write_mergeAllows a user to push timeseries data as patch/merge operation for single Asset/Aspect
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:readAllows a user to read ingested or aggregated timeseries data, also used to import timeseries data into Data Lake
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:deleteAllows a user to delete timeseries data
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:timeseries:subscribeAllows a user to read, create, delete timeseries subscription data
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:files:writeAllows a user to perform File write operation (single or multi-part write)
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:files:readAllows a user to perform File read operation (single or multi-part read)
Assetmdsp:core:iotservices:files:deleteAllows a user to perform File delete operation

Dependencies among Actions

Some actions have others as a prerequisite. To avoid inconsistencies, they are enforced during creation of policies.


The Policy Editor will show you these dependencies during configuration.

ActionDepends On