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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Insights Hub Services - Index

In this section you will find all currently published services that can be used. This section will be updated regularly as we continuously enrich our ecosystem. Refer to the concepts section for information on the API Versioning and the API Lifecycle in Insights Hub.

Insights Hub APIs are either HTTP-based or messaging-based. HTTP-based APIs come with an OpenAPI specification, describing the HTTP operations offered by a service to be called by clients. Messaging-based APIs come with an AsyncAPI specification, describing the topics and messages offered by a service to either subscribe to or publish to by a client.

The following tables list all available Insights Hub services with a description and the available API versions in the respective regions. By default, API versions are HTTP-based APIs. In case an AsyncAPI is provided the version is annotated accordingly.


Do not set the ContentType header of GET requests to application/json if the request body is empty. Many firewalls block this as it is identified as invalid request.


Insights Hub will adhere to the API request URL validations in the upcoming release. This is a step to make the environment more secure. The API request URLs will be validated based on the use of trailing slash characters in requests pointing to dedicated resources. Please refer to the list below which contains examples of incorrect URLs and correct URLs. This will be applicable to all APIs in Insights Hub.

Examples of malformed requestsExamples of well-formed requests
GET https://gateway.{region}.{mindsphere-domain}/api/iottsaggregates/v3/aggregates/{assetId}/{aspectName}/GET https://gateway.{region}.{mindsphere-domain}/api/iottsaggregates/v3/aggregates/{assetId}/{aspectName}
GET https://{tenantName}-assetmanagement.{region}.{mindsphere-domain}/api/assetmanagement/v3/assets/{id}/?includeShared=trueGET https://{tenantName}-assetmanagement.{region}.{mindsphere-domain}/api/assetmanagement/v3/assets/{id}?includeShared=true
PUT https://{tenantName}-assetmanagement.{region}.{mindsphere-domain}/api/assetmanagement/v3/assettypes/{id}/PUT https://{tenantName}-assetmanagement.{region}.{mindsphere-domain}/api/assetmanagement/v3/assettypes/{id}

Platform Core

ServiceDescriptionEurope 1Private Cloud
Identity ManagementUse Customer Management APIs to manage your customers (e.g. add new ones or change existing) for own tenants only.
Resource Access ManagementUse Resource Access Management APIs to manage your policies (e.g. add new ones or change existing) for own tenants only.
Message BrokerUse Message Broker APIs to enable asynchronous communication in the platform.
OAuth Authorization ServerUse OAuth Authorization Server to request authentication and authorization.
Tenant ManagementUse Tenant Management to manage: subtenants, tenant information and legal information.
Token ManagementThe Token Manager API is used to provide an application access to data of other tenants, who use the application.
Usage Transparency ServiceUsage Transparency Service offers a UI giving insight on your resource consumption on the Insights Hub environment. For Developers it as offers an API to track a metric defined by the developers. This metric can also be retrieved via an API of UTS.

IoT and Storage

ServiceDescriptionEurope 1Private Cloud
IoT FileFile Service to read, write and delete files: upload, update and delete files associated to assets; store metadata information, and search for files by metadata.4.0.0
IoT Time SeriesUse Time Series to create, read, update and delete dynamic data. Since time series data are always related to an asset, the instance of an asset must have been created by you beforehand.
IoT Time Series Subscription NotificationGet the notification for latest arrival of timeseries data.3.1.0-
IoT TS AggregatesUse Time Series Aggregates Service to read aggregated time series values. Retrieve the following aggregated values per interval: Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, First Value, Last Value,Standard Deviation.3.6.0
IoT TS BulkUse Time Series Bulk Service to import and read high frequency time series data.
IoT TS Stream RegistrationUse Time Series Streaming Service to stream timeseries data to external streaming component.-3.0.0
Integrated Data LakeIntegrated Data Lake is an application in Insights Hub to import and store the historical IoT data, access cross accounts and perform analytics on the data.


ServiceDescriptionEurope 1Private Cloud
Agent ManagementUse Agent Management to create, edit or remove MindConnect elements, on-board and off board agents and set relations to assets.
Agent Management Async APIUse Agent Management to acquire an agent access token via MQTT agents.
MindConnect APIUse MindConnect API to develop custom agents and connect your device or application to Insights Hub.
MindConnect Async APIUse MindConnect Async API to ingest timeseries data.
MindConnect MQTT APIUse MindConnect MQTT API to manage the certificates for securely connecting the MQTT agents with Insights Hub.
Asset Modeler Async APIAsset Modeler Async API to to create assets, types, and mappings.
OPC UA PubSubUse MindConnect OPC UA PubSub to provide an MQTT-based API to device agents for uploading data according to the OPC UA PubSub Specification.4.0.0 (Async API)
3.0.2 (Async API)
Commanding FeatureUse Commanding Feature to send command and/or data associated with the command up to 20 MindConnect MQTT agents.3.1.1 (Async API)
3.1.1 (Async API)
Remote Services APIUse Remote Services API to facilitate secure connectivity to devices on the shopfloor, by means of Fine Grained Authorization Control (FGAC)3.0.0-

Advanced Services

ServiceDescriptionEurope 1Private Cloud
Asset ManagementRepresent physical assets from your site in Insights Hub. Use models and create instances, set relations to others and create structures such as hierarchies.
Asset Management Subscription NotificationGet the notification for changes to Asset Model3.1.0-
Event ManagementManage standardized and customized events. Acquire events from the field & other applications.
Event Management Subscription NotificationGet the notification for latest creation or updation of Event.3.1.0-
Notification ServiceUse APIs or graphical user interface to send information to your users & customers via e-mail, sms or push/scheduled notification.4.4.2
Case Management ServiceProvide a basic digital workflow for work requests (maintenance, repair, inspection and incident handling) that are essential to monitor asset health and to detect technical issues before they lead to asset failure and downtime.
Visual Flow CreatorVisual Flow Creator API service can be used to create, update, retrieve, delete and other functionalities for the data flows3.0.0-
Rules ManagementRules Management API service can be used for configuring, reading, deleting and updating rules.4.0.0-

Analytics Services

ServiceDescriptionEurope 1Private Cloud
Data ExchangeThe Data Exchange Service provides remote file storage and management support through simple REST API calls. The service offers support for uploading, downloading, renaming, and publishing within the same tenant files or folders.
Job ManagerThe Job Manager Service allows customers to execute Zeppelin Notebooks using a scheduling mechanism, also providing full support for the execution environment, cleanup, storage and library support required to run the models.
Model ManagementThe Model Management Service provides analytical model management file storage with versioning support. The service provides help in maintaining version, dependency, parameters and authorship information.

Data Contextualization Services

ServiceDescriptionEurope 1Private Cloud
Data ManagementThe Data Management Service is used to prepare data for establishing semantic correlations and data query processing4.10.0
Data QueryThe Data Query Service is used to create, update, retrieve and delete queries4.10.0
Semantic ModellingThe Semantic Modelling Service provides end-to-end capability to import/create, update or delete entire ontological/Semantic model4.10.0