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Delete Multiple Objects

To delete multiple objects from the specified path, create an asynchronous jobs. Jobs which are completed with or without errors will be deleted periodically. Once the data is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Create asynchronous job to delete multiple objects for the specified paths. Jobs which are completed with or without errors would be deleted periodically. Oce the data is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Provide delete permission

The tenantAdmin can access this API and provide delete permission on folder or path, on the subtenants folder and on the root folder, except for the Time Series Import (TSI) folder.

POST /deleteObjectsJobs

Content-Type: application/json

Request Example:

    "objects": [
    "path": "/IntegrationTest/IntegrationTestFile1"
    "path": "/IntegrationTest/IntegrationTestFile2"

Response Example:

    "id": "63527e00-f4f6-4566-82bd-2f3ec81450fc",
    "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "progressDetails": {
        "totalObjects": 2,
        "inProgressObjects": 0,
        "deletedObjects": 0,
        "failedObjects": 0

Get a list of deleted objects for the given ID

GET /deleteObjectsJobs/{id}

Content-Type: application/json

Response Example:

    "id": "63527e00-f4f6-4566-82bd-2f3ec81450fc",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "progressDetails": {
        "totalObjects": 2,
        "inProgressObjects": 0,
        "deletedObjects": 2,
        "failedObjects": 0

Get list of all deleted objects

GET /deleteObjectsJobs/

Content-Type: application/json

Response Example:

    "id": "63527e00-f4f6-4566-82bd-2f3ec81450fc",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "progressDetails": {
        "totalObjects": 2,
        "inProgressObjects": 0,
        "deletedObjects": 2,
        "failedObjects": 0
    "id": "63527e00-f4f6-5677-82bd-2f3ec81458gb",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "progressDetails": {
        "totalObjects": 2,
        "inProgressObjects": 0,
        "deletedObjects": 2,
        "failedObjects": 0

Get list of error details of the deleted objects

GET /deleteObjectsJobs/{id}/errorDetails

Content-Type: application/json

Response Example:

  "id": "3b8aded7-d19c-4dff-af58-4a2840c3fe55",
  "subtenantId": "204a896c-a23a-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4",
  "progressDetails": {
    "totalObjects": 0,
    "inProgressObjects": 0,
    "deletedObjects": 0,
    "failedObjects": 0
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "objects": [
      "path": "string",
      "status": "FAILED"