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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Time Series Import

Initiate a new bulk import job

This POST method is used to initiate a new bulk import job with the provided parameters. The parameters that you can provide in the body of the request and are a set of entity IDs, one or more property sets, and a time range. All the data in the time range for all the property sets for all the entities will be imported to data lake.

POST /timeSeriesImportJobs

Request Example:

   "name": "testazure26-11",
   "destination": "testazure26-11",
   "aspectNames": [
   "assetIds": [
   "from": "2018-10-24T19:29:58.000Z",
   "to": "2018-11-24T19:29:58.000Z"

Response Example:

    "id": "c4a4532a28c44b9aa5f2c31fd8d6da8b",
    "name": "testazure26-14",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "destinationPath": "testazure26-14"

Get a list of time series bulk import jobs

This GET method is used to get the status of all current time series bulk import jobs initiated by environment. Periodically, successfully completed job records gets deleted and they will not be part of result set for this API.

GET /timeSeriesImportJobs

Response Example:

    "timeSeriesImportJobs": [
            "id": "c71b8929e52c4b1c8959c33d012ed8d6",
            "name": "IntegTest671b007f-16bb-47b6-83b1-5103dcac2012",
            "status": "FAILED",
            "destinationPath": "IntegTest/"
    "page": {
        "size": 1,
        "totalElements": 38,
        "totalPages": 38,
        "number": 0

Get a list of time series bulk import jobs for given ID

This GET method is used to get the current status of a time series bulk import job by Id. Periodically, successfully completed job records gets deleted and they will not be part of result set for this API.

GET /timeSeriesImportJobs/c71b8929e52c4b1c8959c33d012ed8d6

Response Example:

    "id": "c71b8929e52c4b1c8959c33d012ed8d6",
    "name": "IntegTest671b007f-16bb-47b6-83b1-5103dcac2012",
    "status": "FAILED",
    "destinationPath": "IntegTest/"

Get a details of time series bulk import jobs for given ID

GET /timeSeriesImportJobs/c71b8929e52c4b1c8959c33d012ed8d6/details

Response Example:

    "id": "1b67dba3a7f0477382c5a8f9ad50a46d",
    "from": "2018-10-24T19:29:58.000Z",
    "to": "2018-10-24T19:29:58.000Z",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "progress": 100.0,
    "aspectNames": [
    "assetIds": [
    "destinationPath": "testazure24-13/",
    "fileCount": 0,
    "name": "testazure24-13"

Delete the time series bulk import jobs

Delete /timeSeriesImportJobs/c71b8929e52c4b1c8959c33d012ed8d6/details

Response Example:

Status 204 No Content