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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

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IoT Time Series Aggregates Service – Request Parameters

Interval Length

Performance Entity

Only pre-calculated interval length are supported. Choose an interval length that is an exact multiple of a pre-calculated aggregation interval, such as 10 minutes, 2 hours, 5 days, 3 weeks, or 2 months.

Start Time and End Time Precision

In case the parameters Start and End Time are provided but do not coincide with the pre-calculated interval boundaries of the used interval, Start and End Time are shifted such that the overall time range contains the provided one and time range boundaries coincide with interval boundaries. For example, a request is made with Start Time '2020-01-10T01:10:00Z', End Time '2020-01-10T02:50:00Z' and interval length '1 hour'. Here, Start and End time does not coincide with hour boundary, so it will be adjusted to nearby hour boundary, i.e, Start Time '2020-01-10T01Z' and End Time '2020-01-10T03Z'.

Automatic Interval Length calculation

If the interval length is not provided, the largest available interval length fitting into the used time range is chosen. For example, a request is made with Start Time 2020-01-10T01:10:00Z, End Time 2020-01-10T01:20:00Z. Here, interval length is automatically calculated using Start and End time provided. Since difference between Start and End time is less than an hour, interval length is calculated as 1 minute.

Parameter count

Parameter count: Use Case 1

If the interval length and count are provided, it suffices to either provide Start Time or End Time in addition. The missing parameter is determined based on the time range computed from interval length and count. For example, a request is made with Start Time 2020-01-10T01:00:00Z, interval length 1 hour and count 4. Here, 4 aggregates of 1 hour is returned between Start Time 2020-01-10T01:00:00Z and End Time 2020-01-10T05:00:00Z.

Parameter count: Use Case 2

If from, to and count are provided, intervalUnit and intervalValue are determined based on the time range divided by count. For example, a request is made with Start Time 2020-01-10T01:00:00Z, End Time 2020-01-10T02:00:00Z and count 3. Here, the difference between Start and End time is 24 hours and 3 aggregates response is requested, so interval length returned is 8 hours.

Parameter Selection

There is an optional select parameter that defines which data to return. For more information, refer IoT Time Series Aggregates Service-Selecting.