MindConnect Client for Java¶
The MindConnect Java client allows you to interact with MindConnect Service APIs which enables shop floor devices to send data securely and reliably to Insights Hub. Refer to MindConnect for more information about the service.
Further implementation of the MindConnect SDK library has been shown in a sample project that you can download and test in local or on Insights Hub application. Please refer to this repository: industrial-iot-java-sdk-examples
Placeholders in the following samples are indicated by angular brackets < >
Mindconnect Operations¶
Client Name: DiagnosticActivationsClient
Gets diagnostic activations¶
- Get diagnostic activations. Agents are allowed to get their own activation. Users with sufficient scopes are allowed to get all activations in the same tenant as in the token.
// Construct the DiagnosticActivationsClient object
DiagnosticActivationsClient diActivationsClient = DiagnosticActivationsClient.builder().restClientConfig(config).build();
DiagnosticActivationsGetRequest requestObject = new DiagnosticActivationsGetRequest();
try {
PagedDiagnosticActivation response = diActivationsClient.diagnosticActivationsGet(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Creates a new diagnostic activation¶
- Create a new diagnostic activation. Agents are allowed to create activation for itself only. Users with sufficient scopes are allowed to create activations of the agents in the same tenant as in the token.
DiagnosticActivationsPostRequest requestObject = new DiagnosticActivationsPostRequest();
DiagnosticActivation diagnosticActivation = new DiagnosticActivation();
try {
DiagnosticActivation response = diActivationsClient.diagnosticActivationsPost(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Deletes a diagnostic activation¶
- Delete a diagnostic activation. Agents are allowed to delete their own activation. Users with sufficient scopes are allowed to delete any activation in the same tenant as in the token.
DiagnosticActivationsIdDeleteRequest requestObject = new DiagnosticActivationsIdDeleteRequest();
try {
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Gets a diagnostic activation by id¶
- Get a diagnostic activation with given id. Agents are allowed to get their own activation. Users with sufficient scopes are allowed to get any activation in the same tenant as in the token.
DiagnosticActivationsIdGetRequest requestObject = new DiagnosticActivationsIdGetRequest();
try {
DiagnosticActivation response = diActivationsClient.diagnosticActivationsIdGet(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Get a diagnostic messages of specific activation resource¶
- Get a diagnostic messages of specific activation resource. Agents are allowed to get their own activations & messages. Users with sufficient scopes are allowed to get any activations messages in the same tenant as in the token.
DiagnosticActivationsIdMessagesGetRequest requestObject = new DiagnosticActivationsIdMessagesGetRequest();
try {
PagedDiagnosticInformationMessages response = diActivationsClient.diagnosticActivationsIdMessagesGet(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Update status of Diagnostic Activation¶
- Updates status of Diagnostic Activation.
DiagnosticActivationsIdPutRequest requestObject = new DiagnosticActivationsIdPutRequest();
DiagnosticActivationStatus diagnosticActivationStatus = new DiagnosticActivationStatus();
try {
DiagnosticActivation response = diActivationsClient.diagnosticActivationsIdPut(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Client Name: MappingsClient
Get mappings¶
- Retrieves a list of mappings.
// Construct the DiagnosticActivationsClient object
MappingsClient mappingClient = MappingsClient.builder().restClientConfig(config).build();
DataPointMappingsGetRequest dataPointMappingsGetRequest = new DataPointMappingsGetRequest();
try {
PagedMapping response = mappingClient.dataPointMappingsGet(dataPointMappingsGetRequest);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Get a mapping by id¶
- Gets a mapping by given id.
DataPointMappingsIdGetRequest requestObject = new DataPointMappingsIdGetRequest();
try {
Mapping response = mappingClient.dataPointMappingsIdGet(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Create single mapping¶
- Creates a single mapping.
DataPointMappingsPostRequest requestObject = new DataPointMappingsPostRequest();
MappingPost mapping = new MappingPost();
try {
Mapping response = mappingClient.dataPointMappingsPost(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Delete a mapping¶
- Deletes a mapping.
DataPointMappingsIdDeleteRequest requestObject = new DataPointMappingsIdDeleteRequest();
try {
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Client Name: RecordRecoveryClient
Get all recoverable records¶
- Gets all recoverable records
// Construct the DiagnosticActivationsClient object
RecordRecoveryClient recoveryClient = RecordRecoveryClient.builder().restClientConfig(config).build();
RecoverableRecordsGetRequest requestObject = new RecoverableRecordsGetRequest();
try {
PagedRecoverableRecords response = recoveryClient.recoverableRecordsGet(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Re-play a recoverable record¶
- Re-play a recoverable record.
RecoverableRecordsIdReplayPostRequest requestObject = new RecoverableRecordsIdReplayPostRequest();
try {
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Get download link of record payload¶
- Gets download link of record payload
RecoverableRecordsIdDownloadLinkGetRequest requestObject = new RecoverableRecordsIdDownloadLinkGetRequest();
try {
String response = recoveryClient.recoverableRecordsIdDownloadLinkGet(requestObject);
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling
Delete a recoverable record¶
- Deletes a recoverable record
RecoverableRecordsIdDeleteRequest requestObject = new RecoverableRecordsIdDeleteRequest();
try {
} catch (MindsphereException e) {
// Exception handling