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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Industrial IoT SDK for Java


The Industrial IoT SDK for Java enables Java developers to work with Insights Hub easily. It provides a Java client implementation for the RESTful Industrial IoT APIs.

The Industrial IoT SDK for Java provides client implementations for the following APIs:

NameAPI Version
Asset Management3.4
IoT Time Series3.1
IoT TS Aggregates3.0
IoT File3.1
Event Management3.5
Event Analytics3.0

See the Getting Started for installation and configuration of an API client.

Get the SDK

You can download the Industrial IoT SDK for Java from the Siemens Industry Online Support (SIOS) Portal by following these links [EN]/[DE].


Client Configuration

You can easily configure the Industrial IoT SDK for Java through configuration parameters such as proxy settings and connection time-outs.

Authorization Handling Mechanism

The Industrial IoT SDK for Java provides an easy authorization handling mechanism. Developers can configure user authorization tokens or service credentials. The SDK provides multiple ways for setting up service credentials for use in an API client. Environment variables can be set for service credential configuration to generate authorization for API calls.

Page Iterators

This SDK for Java provides page iterator objects for easy pagination for most API clients. Developer applications can configure paging parameters and get next/previous or specific page data.


The Industrial IoT SDK for Java logging is configured with SLF4J, which is an abstraction layer that enables the use of any logging framework at runtime. Supported logging systems include the Java Logging Framework and Apache Log4j, among others. The Industrial IoT SDK logging can be enabled or disabled by the developer application.

See Logging for more information.

Exception Handling

This SDK provides an exception handling mechanism. The SDK exceptions are structured to identify client and server exceptions. Information such as error code, message, HTTP status, logref and cause can help to easy identify exceptions.

See Exception Handling for more information.