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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Event Analytics Client for Python


The Event Analytics Service is used for analyzing event data. The service identifies significant dependencies and helps to get a better understanding of the system's internal processes using statistical analysis.

Further implementation of the IOT EventAnalytics SDK library has been shown in a sample project that you can download and test in local or on Insights Hub application. Please refer to this repository: industrial-iot-python-sdk-examples

Event Operations services

The event operations client analyzes event data statistically to identify the most frequent events.

Client name: EventOperationsClient

Find Top Events

This method finds the N most frequently occurring events and returns them sorted by the number of occurrences in descending order.

# Import the RestClientConfig and UserToken from mindsphere_core module
from mindsphere_core import RestClientConfig
from mindsphere_core import UserToken

# Import the MindsphereError from mindsphere_core.exceptions module
from mindsphere_core.exceptions import MindsphereError

# Import the EventOperationsClient from eventanalytics module
from eventanalytics import EventOperationsClient

# Import all required models from eventanalytics.models
from eventanalytics import Event, TopEventsInputDataModel, EventsInputModelEventsMetadata, TopEventsRequest

# Create the RestClientConfig and UserToken objects
config = RestClientConfig(proxy_host = "<proxy_host>", proxy_port = <proxy_port>)
credentials = UserToken(authorization = "<bearer_token>")

# Create the EventOperationsClient object using the RestClientConfig and UserToken objects
client = EventOperationsClient(rest_client_config = config, mindsphere_credentials = credentials)

    # Create the Events Input Model Events Metadata object
    metadata = EventsInputModelEventsMetadata("<text>")

    # Create a list of events to be analyzed
    event1 = Event("<time_value_1>", "<event_text_1>", "<text_qc_1>")
    event2 = Event("<time_value_2>", "<event_text_2>", "<text_qc_2>")

    events_list = [event1, event2]

    # Create the TopEventsInputDataModel object to be analyzed
    data = TopEventsInputDataModel(
                events_metadata = metadata,
                events = events_list,
                number_of_top_positions_required = <top_positions_value>

    # Create the request object
    request = TopEventsRequest(data = data)

    # Initiate the API call to find top events
    response = client.top_events(request_object = request)

except MindsphereError as err:
    # Exception Handling

Filter Events

This method applies custom filters to simplify the dataset based on the event text.

# Create the EventOperationsClient object as shown above

    # Create the EventsInputModelEventsMetadata object
    metadata = EventsInputModelEventsMetadata("text")

    # Create a list of events to be analyzed
    event1 = Event("2017-10-01T12:00:00.001Z", "INTRODUCING FUEL", 0)
    event2 = Event("2017-10-01T12:02:01.001Z", "Status@Flame On", 0)

    events_list = [event1, event2]

    # Create a list of filter criteria
    filter_list = ["Introduction fuel"]

    # Create the EventSearchInputDataModel object to be analyzed
    data = EventSearchInputDataModel(
                events_metadata = metadata,
                events = events_list,
                filter_list = filter_list

    # Create the request object
    request = FilterEventsRequest(data = data)

    # Initiate the API call to filter events
    response = client.filter_events(request_object = request)

except MindsphereError as err:
    # Exception Handling

Count Events

Determines the number of events per time interval for a user defined interval length.

# Create the EventOperationsClient object as shown above

    # Create the EventInputEventsMetadata object
    metadata = EventInputEventsMetadata(event_text_property_name = "text", split_interval = 5000)

    # Create a list of events to be analyzed
    event1 = Event("2017-10-01T12:00:00.001Z", "INTRODUCING FUEL", 0)
    event2 = Event("2017-10-01T12:02:01.001Z", "Status@Flame On", 0)

    events_list = [event1, event2]

    # Create the EventInput object to be analyzed
    data = EventInput(events_metadata = metadata, events = events_list)

    # Create the request object
    request = CountEventsRequest(data = data)

    # Initiate Count Events API call
    response = client.count_events(request_object = request)

except MindsphereError as err:
    # Exception Handling

Remove Duplicate Events

This method detects duplicate events within a sliding window of user defined width (example 5,000 ms) and reduces the data set by aggregating duplicate events.

# Create EventOperationsClient object as shown above

    # Create the EventsInputEventsMetadata object
    metadata = EventInputEventsMetadata("text", 5000)

    # Create a list of events to be analyzed
    event1 = Event("2017-10-01T12:00:00.001Z", "INTRODUCING FUEL", 0)
    event2 = Event("2017-10-01T12:02:01.001Z", "Status@Flame On", 0)

    events_list = [event1, event2]

    # Create the EventInput object to be analyzed
    data = EventInput(metadata, events_list)

    # Create the request object
    request = RemoveDuplicateEventsRequest(data = data)

    # Initiate API call to remove events
    response = eventOperationsClient.remove_duplicate_events(request)

except MindsphereError as err:
    # Exception Handling

Pattern Operations Services

The Pattern Operations client analyzes the event data statistically to detect event patterns.

Client name: PatternOperationsClient

Find Event Patterns

Searches for user defined patterns in a list of events and detects all events matching the specified pattern(s).

# Import the RestClientConfig and UserToken from mindsphere_core module
from mindsphere_core import RestClientConfig
from mindsphere_core import UserToken

# Import the MindsphereError from mindsphere_core.exceptions module
from mindsphere_core.exceptions import MindsphereError

# Import the PatternOperationsClient from eventanalytics module
from eventanalytics.clients.pattern_operations_client import PatternOperationsClient

# Import all required models from eventanalytics.models
from eventanalytics.models import PatternMatchingInputDataModel, EventsInputModelEventsMetadata, EventInput, PatternDefinition, MatchingPattern, Event, MatchPatternsOverEventsRequest

# Create the RestClientConfig and UserToken objects
clientConfig = RestClientConfig(proxy_host = "<proxy_host>", proxy_port = <proxy_port>)
credentials = UserToken(authorization = "<bearer_token>")

# Create the PatternOperationsClient object using the RestClientConfig and UserToken objects
client = PatternOperationsClient(rest_client_config = clientConfig, mindsphere_credentials = credentials)

    # Create the EventsInputModelEventsMetadata object
    metadata = EventsInputModelEventsMetadata("<text>")

    # Create a list of events to be analyzed
    event_1 = Event("2017-10-01T12:00:00.001Z", "INTRODUCING FUEL", 0)
    event_2 = Event("2017-10-01T12:02:01.001Z", "Status@Flame On", 0)

    events_list = [event_1, event_2]
    events_input = EventInput(metadata, events_list)

    # Create a list of non events to be analyzed
    non_events = ["Error 2.. occurred", "STOPPING ENGINE"]

    # Create a list of patterns to be analyzed
    matching_pattern_1 = MatchingPattern("INTRODUCING FUEL", 1, 2)
    matching_pattern_2 = MatchingPattern("Status@Flame On", 0, 1)

    pattern_list = [matching_pattern_1, matching_pattern_2]

    pattern_def = PatternDefinition()
    pattern_def.pattern = pattern_list
    pattern_def_list = [pattern_def]

    max_pattern_interval = 200

    # Create the PatternMatchingInputDataModel object to be analyzed
    data = PatternMatchingInputDataModel(max_pattern_interval, pattern_def_list, non_events, events_input)

    # Create the request object
    request = MatchPatternsOverEventsRequest(data = data)

    # Initiate the API call to match patterns
    response = client.match_patterns_over_events(request)

except MindsphereError as err:
    # Exception Handling