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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

MindConnect Library v4

The MindConnect Library v4 is the successor of MindConnect Library v3 with a new architecture improving performance, reducing footprint and simplifying user customization.


MindConnect Library (MCL), is a cross-platform C library wrapping Industrial IoT API to which clients or agents in Insights Hub terms, are allowed to access. The connection to Insights Hub is secured using TLS v1.2.

MindConnect Library is distributed as source code. The source code is organized as a core component and extensions to the core component.

Onboarding, key rotation and access token retrieval functionalities will be available to agents with the Core component. Including mcl_core.h in agent source code will enable all core component functionality.

Data exchange and data point mapping functionalities will be available to agents with Connectivity component which is an extension to Core component. Including mcl_connectivity.h in agent source code will enable all connectivity component functionality together with core component functionality.

Agents will be able to upload unstructured data to Data Lake with Data Lake component of MCL which is also an extension to Core component and it is independent of the Connectivity component. Including mcl_data_lake.h in agent source code will enable all data lake component functionality together with core component functionality.

Using Deployment component of MCL, agents will be able to get and update any workflows assigned to them via Deployment Workflow Service. Including mcl_deployment.h in agent source code will enable all deployment component functionality together with core component functionality.

MCL build process will generate separate output binaries for each component. Agents willing to exploit only the core functionality can do so by building and including only the core component. Agents willing to exploit any extension component functionality can do so by building and including that extension component together with any components that it depends on.

Getting MindConnect Library

You can download the MindConnect Library from the Siemens Industry Online Support (SIOS) or clone it from GitHub.


Refer to the files and ReadMe_OSS.htm.