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Insights Hub and Industrial IoT

Insights Hub drives smart manufacturing through the industrial Internet of Things. Gain actionable insights with asset and operational data and improve your processes.

Getting started


The OS Bar is integrated by adding a JavaScript snippet and an HTML fragment to your website / web app. The HTML fragment ensures that the layout of OS Bar and app can be set up automatically. If your app is served through e.g. an index.html file, you have to integrate the OS Bar there.

Add the following snippet in your JavaScript code:

    title: "OS Bar Demo",
    appId: "_mdspcontent"

The app markup has to be wrapped into a div element with ID _mdspcontent. If required, this ID can be customized. The OS Bar JavaScript file has to be referenced and initialized:

<div id="_mdspcontent">
  <!-- Main app markup goes here -->

<script src=""></script>


  • The OS Bar does not set a valid viewport for your HTML/app.
    If no viewport is defined, neither the OS Bar nor your app will be responsive.
  • The OS Bar is written in ECMAScript 2015 and therefore not running in older browsers like Internet Explorer.
  • The height of the OS Bar might change on smaller screens due to responsive behaviour.
    Use the CSS positioning attributes static, relative, or absolute to make sure that the height of the OS Bar won't affect your app.
  • Avoid the usage of position:fixed in your app since this might lead to unexpected results.


Insights Hub and Industrial IoT currently enforces certain Content-Security-Headers (CSP), which prevents the execution of inlined JavaScript.

Configuration options¶

The OS Bar is configurable and provides options to show your tenant-specific legal information.

titleSpecifies the title of the app. If not specified, and no displayName parameter is defined, no title is displayed.none
appIdIf provided, the script looks for an element with this parameter as ID attribute. This allows for the HTML markup to look different to the default markup described above. If no appropriate container element can be found, the OS Bar is not populated.
Note: The OS Bar is populated on the same level, but above the element with the matching ID attribute.
Important: If you customize your appId, you have to set/add the _mdspcontent class on the container element so that the required styles can be set automatically.
initializeIf this parameter is set as true, the script does not wait for a DomContentLoaded event to start the initialization. It immediately searches the app containing element and creates the OS Bar markup above. The DOM must already have been loaded and initialized.true
appInfoPathSpecifies a custom path to the app-info.json, if it is not located in the root directory of the app. If the file is not found, the drop-down menu for app information only shows the operator-specific links, if available. Otherwise, it is not available."/app-info.json"

App information¶

The following app information can be displayed in the OS Bar and is configured in the app-info.json file:

displayNameSpecifies the name of the app to be displayed in the OS Bar. This name is overridden, if the title parameter is set in the _mdsp.init(...) call.
appVersionSpecifies the version of the app according to semantic versioning, which is displayed at the top of the app information.
appCopyrightSpecifies the app creator's name (i.e., company name) and the year of publication.
documentationSpecifies the link to the app documentation.
linksSpecifies further links to be displayed in a sub-menu of the app information.

Available link types are:
- Website (WWW)
- E-mail (MAIL)
- Phone number (PHONE)

Links can be provided in multiple languages using language codes according to ISO 639-1. The default language is usually English. If a browser is set to a language for which links are defined, the respective links are displayed in the OS Bar. Otherwise, the default language is used.
Apps can provide a dedicated link to their documentation. At least, apps should provide a link to the third party software they use.

This is an example of the app-info.json:

  "displayName": "Sample App",
  "appVersion": "0.0.0",
  "appCopyright": "© Siemens 2024",
  "documentation": {
    "default": "",
    "de": ""
  "links": {
    "default": [
        "type": "WWW",
        "name": "Third-Party Software",
        "value": ""
    "de": [
        "type": "WWW",
        "name": "Drittanbieter Software",
        "value": ""

The appInfoPath configuration parameter has to be added to the JavaScript snippet as follows:

    title: "OS Bar Demo",
    appId: "_mdspcontent",
    appInfoPath: "/assets/json/myfile.json"

Dynamic insertion¶

The following code block shows an example for dynamic insertion of the OS Bar:

(function(d, script) {
    script = d.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.async = true;
    script.onload = function(){
            title: "OS Bar Demo width dynamic initialization",
            initialize: true
    script.src = '';

Initialize after loading script¶

Make sure the initialization is only called after the script finished loading. Otherwise, the initialization function will still be unknown and the console will throw an error.


If the population / generation of the OS Bar fails, it might be for one of the following reasons:

  • The CDN-hosted script and assets are unavailable.
  • The appId parameter is supplied, but no matching element is present in the DOM tree.
  • No appId parameter is supplied and no element with default attribute is present in DOM tree.

Known issues¶


When using the OS Bar with ngx-bootstrap, the bootstrap version cannot be detected automatically. This might cause it to render the components for the wrong version.

Set the bootstrap version manually to avoid this.

import { setTheme } from 'ngx-bootstrap/utils';

export class AppComponent {
    constructor() {
        setTheme('bs3'); // or 'bs4'