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Mcenter is an on-premises software platform for the CNC shop floor. It provides secure, bi-directional communication with machine controllers, securely integrates data from machines and other assets, and runs a variety of applications to bring digitalization close to production.


About Mcenter platform

Mcenter is an on-premises software platform for the CNC shop floor. It provides secure, bi-directional communication with machine controllers, securely integrates data from machines and other assets, and runs a variety of applications to bring digitalization close to production.

Mcenter Platform

Mcenter offers a wide range of features and capabilities, e.g.:

Machine integration: Mcenter supports an increasing level of integrating machines into a digital shop floor: from fully native integration of machine data and machine HMIs using openness interfaces over headless integration strategies up to even semi-automatic integration with very old machine controller types. And the integration is not limited to Siemens controllers.

Shop floor connectivity: Mcenter offers deep bi-directional integration with machine tool controllers. It furthermore supports a variety of standard Industry protocols such as S7, OPC UA or MT-Connect.

Applications for Mcenter

Mcenter supports different use cases on the shop floor. It offers a variety of applications for managing shop floor resources in the CNC domain, and for gaining online insights about machine status and production efficiencies. The following table lists applications that provide openness APIs for integration with external systems.

Applications with Openness APIsDescription and API Link
Tool Management with Manage MyResources /Tools for Mcenter Manage MyResources /Tools: Mcenter application for central tool management that supports the entire tool management life cycle and ensures a transparent overview of all tools and components on the shop floor. This boosts productivity by making it easy to have the right tool at the right time at the right machine.

Please find the definition of Manage MyResources /Tools REST API (see chapter 11.2 in the operating manual) here.
Program Management with Manage MyResources /Programs for Mcenter NC programs are a valuable production resource that can be transparently managed using program management software – including tracking revisions. This enables efficient, secure and consistent program handling.

Please find the definition of Manage MyResources /Programs REST API (see chapter 11.3 in the operating manual) here.
Data access with Access MyData /Collector for Mcenter The Access MyData /Collector application enables users to export data from Mcenter platform to an external system. You can configure the data requests to the machine and specify the system the data is delivered to.

Please find the definition of Access MyData /Collector MQTT spec. (see operating manual) here.

Further information

More information about available Mcenter applications can be found here: Mcenter and Applications