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Norm MicroService

The NORM Service provides validation and normalization capabilities for a larger set of number systems, such as GTIN, MLFB, SFC, SHS, SSN or TNS, etc. See Numbering systems for a full list of currently supported numbering systems.


3.2.0 (2024-05-16)¶

Breaking Changes

Remove gRPC

3.1.5 (2024-05-15)¶


  • Full EntraID support. Check role in JWT Token

3.0.0 (2024-01-09)¶

Breaking Changes

  • Removed api version v1 and v2

2.9.5 (2023-06-26)¶


  • Added new number system SHS
  • Implement gRPC

2.0.0 (2022-09-21)¶


  • Implement new v1 and v2 route