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Norm MicroService

The NORM Service provides validation and normalization capabilities for a larger set of number systems, such as GTIN, MLFB, SFC, SHS, SSN or TNS, etc. See Numbering systems for a full list of currently supported numbering systems.

Error and Warning Codes¶


4MLFBMLFB contains 9 or/and Z in position seven or higher, but the required short code (ANA) is missing or wrong
5MLFBMLFB has appended -Z, but the required short code (ANN) is missing
8MLFBShort codes shouldn't have more than three positions (ANA / ANN)
9MLFBShort code contains letters I, O or Z
10MLFBShort code ANA is duplicated: {shortcode}
12MLFBThere is no appended -Z despite the presence of short code (ANN)
14MLFBANA shortcode identified but no 9 or Z in position seven or higher
15MLFBFirst position of short code (ANA) is not one of the letters G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, or R
90MLFBShort code should have Y either in the first position (for ANN) or in the last position (ANA)
91MLFBShort code adapted
101GTINGTIN must be 12, 13 or 14 digits long
102GTINbad checksum {X}. {Y} expected


NBSystemDescriptionExampleMessage Type
4MLFBMLFB contains 9 or/and Z in position seven or higher, but the required short code (ANA) is missing or wrong1ab1234-5z-za23ERROR
5MLFBMLFB has appended -Z, but the required short code (ANN) is missing1ab1234-5z-zj2kERROR
8MLFBShort codes shouldn't have more than three positions (ANA / ANN)1ab1234-5z-zj2krERROR
9MLFBShort code contains letters I, O or Z1ab1234-5z-za23j2kzioERROR
10MLFBShort code ANA is duplicated: H2A1LG4313-9AA60-ZH2A+H2A+A23ERROR
12MLFBThere is no appended -Z despite the presence of short code (ANN)1ab1234-zo12ERROR
14MLFBANA shortcode identified but no 9 or Z in position seven or higher1ab12345c-za23+l1xERROR
15MLFBFirst position of short code (ANA) is not one of the letters G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, or R1LA83152AA6-za01+a01+b01+b1bERROR
90MLFBShort code should have Y either in the first position (for ANN) or in the last position (ANA)1ab1234-zy12WARNING
91MLFBShort code adapted7MF49123DA07-ZC11C12C20L00V04WARNING
101GTINGTIN must be 12, 13 or 14 digits long00380100ERROR
102GTINBad checksum 4. 8 expected0038010000464ERROR