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Norm MicroService

The NORM Service provides validation and normalization capabilities for a larger set of number systems, such as GTIN, MLFB, SFC, SHS, SSN or TNS, etc. See Numbering systems for a full list of currently supported numbering systems.

TNS - Technical number system¶

The Technical Numbering System is a counting-based identification number system that does not contain any classification data. For evaluation purposes, attributes must be maintained in separate data fields outside of TNS.

Original PDF:
TNS.pdf (SN 01060)



RegEx (





ALetter position A-Z without I, O
NDigit position 0-9
*Letter position, digit position or hyphen used as seperator

TNS with 14 digits has a minimum length of 4 digits and a maximum length of 14 digits inlcuding a suffix of the last three digits.


For TNS <= 14 positions

TEonly numbers at the last three digits
TUonly letters at the last three digits
TZsuffix with - separator
TPsuffix has pattern ANN or ANA

For TNS > 14 and <= 18 positions

TAonly numbers at the last three digits
TDonly letters at the last three digits
TSsuffix with - separator
TMsuffix has pattern ANN or ANA


As a requesting service, I want to format my product numbers in two different output formats which are following the numbering standards, that I can ensure my numbers are structured everytime the same.

The formatting should only be executed for valid numbers.


Delete all blanks


  • When number length is <= 11 then fill with blanks from position 4 until length is 11
  • When number length is <= 14 then fill with blanks from position 4 until length is 14
  • When number length is <= 18 then fill with blanks from position 4 until length is 18
  • Exception numbers with suffix including - seperator:
    No filling with blanks until length 11.