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Getting Started

Getting started with using Nurse Call System APIs involves the following steps:

  1. Get credentials for authorization from Ward Manager
  2. Make API requests from your nurse call system to Ward Manager using the credentials

Get credentials

Contact your Ward Manager Administrator. Ward Manager Administrator will provide you with

  • Credentials: username and a password
  • Endpoint url environment to access the service

Example request

The username and password is used to create Authorization Bearer token. We use bearer token in the Authorization-header for API requests.

Make API requests

This guide will take you through the steps you need to perform sending Nurse Call Service data.

Sending Color codes to Ward Manager

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

The request contains the color codes. The request JSON looks like

Color code start

    "codeStatus": "513",
    "rcuId": "1001",
    "startCallUserId": "Utku Kutlucan",
    "locationCode": "10110100",
    "description": "A BLOK 101101 HASTA ODASI",
    "bedId": "0",
    "callStartDate": "2024-04-17 09:51:04"

Color code stop

    "codeStatus": "512",
    "rcuId": "1001",
    "endCallUserId": "Utku Kutlucan",
    "locationCode": "10110100",
    "callEndDate": "2024-04-17 09:56:09",
    "elapsedTime": "00:05:05"

Sending Nurse Call requests to Ward Manager

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

The request contains the nurse call start and stop requests. The request JSON looks like

Nurse Call Start

  "codeStatus": "580",
  "rcuId": "1001",
  "startCallUserId": "Utku Kutlucan",
  "locationCode": "10110100",
  "description": "A BLOK 101101 HASTA ODASI",
  "bedId": "1",
  "callStartDate": "2024-04-17 09:58:06"

Nurse Call

  "codeStatus": "581",
  "rcuId": "1001",
  "endCallUserId": "Utku Kutlucan",
  "locationCode": "10110100",
  "callEndDate": "2024-04-17 09:58:26",
  "elapsedTime": "00:00:20"

Sending Restroom Calls to Ward Manager

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

The request contains the restroom calls. The request JSON looks like

Restroom Call start

  "codeStatus": "582",
  "rcuId": "1001",
  "startCallUserId": "Utku Kutlucan",
  "locationCode": "10110100",
  "description": "A BLOK 101101 HASTA ODASI",
  "bedId": "2",
  "callStartDate": "2024-04-17 09:58:50"

Restroom Call Stop

  "codeStatus": "583",
  "rcuId": "1001",
  "endCallUserId": "Utku Kutlucan",
  "locationCode": "10110100",
  "callEndDate": "2024-04-17 09:58:59",
  "elapsedTime": "00:00:09"


For more details, tale a look at the internal reference documentation.