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The Polarion REST API gives external applications an integration layer with Polarion that gives you greater control over the information you use in both Polarion and the applications you use daily.


If you enabled the REST API you can access it with the following root URL.


If you also enabled the Swagger UI you can view it in a web browser at the following URL.


Polarion's Swagger UI

URI Structure

Polarion's REST API lets you access resources (data entities) via URI paths.

To the REST API, your application makes an HTTP request and parses the response.

The URI structure for Polarion REST API resources is as follows:



  • https://myhost/polarion/rest/v1/projects/myProject/workitems/WI-123?revision=5
  • The URI is influenced by whatever is in the base.url property of the file on your Polarion server.

REST API Versioning

It's easy to determine the REST API version number because it is right in the URI: (v1 in the example below.)



The REST API is backward compatible, so any implementation you deploy from a previous version will work whether or not you choose to update to a newer version.

New versions will only be released when significant changes (like the addition of renaming and removing are added).

There may be additional patch updates or minor changes, but they will not affect existing implementations.

REST API in a Cluster setup

A Clustered setup is a group of Polarion servers (application nodes) that access a single instance of shared data.

(See the Deployment and Maintenance Guide for more information.)

When using REST API in a Clustered setup:

  • Use the Load Balancer URL (the default base URL) to access the REST API.

    (Requests should not be sent directly to individual nodes.)

  • If you want to access the Swagger UI (if enabled), you should also use the base.url.

  • REST API response links always point to the Load Balancer URL (base URL), regardless of the node that processes the request.


  • Polarion properties related to the REST API should be configured on the Shared Services server machine.

    (In the file shared with nodes.)

  • There is no need to safelist the nodes in a Cluster environment with the property. (They are allowed by design.)

  • Updating the same resource in rapid succession may result in a conflict error because the calls end on other nodes are not propagating fast enough. (Propagation changes only occur every three seconds and are not configurable.)