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The Polarion REST API gives external applications an integration layer with Polarion that gives you greater control over the information you use in both Polarion and the applications you use daily.

Advanced Configuration

In addition to the and properties that enable REST API and the Swagger UI, the following additional properties let you further customize the Polarion REST API. They are added to the file.

This property enables CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) access to all REST endpoints.

Supported Values

  • Empty list Blue arrow CORS is disabled.

  • * Blue arrow CORS requests from any host are allowed.

  • Comma separated list of URI (schema://host:port) Blue arrow Only CORS requests from these origins are allowed.

(Standard ports - 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS - should be omitted. For example, instead of


  • Requests from the same origin that Polarion is running on are always allowed, regardless of the value in this property.

  • Requests from origin set in are always allowed, regardless of the value of this property. (If not defined, baseUrl is used as the default value.)

  • For a Cluster deployment, we recommend that you set the property in the shared file on the cluster machine to ensure that all the nodes use the same setting.

This property sets the limit for the maximum page size that can be requested by a REST API client.

  • The default value is 100.

  • The absolute maximum page size is 10000. (Setting this property to a number larger than 10000 has no effect.)


For a Cluster deployment, we recommend that you set the property in the shared file on the cluster machine to ensure that all the nodes use the same setting.

This property defines the default number of returned items for REST API endpoints.

  • If defaultPageSize exceeds the maxPageSize (see above), the defaultPageSize value is replaced by the maxPageSize value.

  • The default value is 100

This property limits the size of the request body in an HTTP request.

The limit is only valid for HTTP POST, HTTP PATCH, and HTTP DELETE requests with application/json content type.

The value is given as bytes.


This limit also applies to the size of the JSON file that is used when POSTing or PATCHing attachments. Also, using a high value for this property might make the Polarion server vulnerable from a security point of view.

This property specifies the number of results that are returned per page in the Included section for REST API endpoints. For more information, see Limit of included resources.

  • If the number of entities exceeds the maxIncludedSize, they are not added to the Included section when requested.

  • The default value of this property is 500 items, with a maximum limit of 10 000.

  • If the provided value exceeds the 10 000 limit, it is capped.

This property specifies the maximum number of entities that can be returned for each of the resource(s) relationship field(s). For more information, see Limit of included resources.

  • If the number of entities exceeds the maxIncludedSize, they are not added to the Included section when requested.

  • The default value of this property is 500 items, with a maximum limit of 10 000.

  • If the provided value exceeds the 10 000 limit, it is capped.