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Railigent X

One key to advancing sustainable transportation is to digitally increase the capacity of rail systems - with less resources.

Train API

The Train API allows you to retrieve near real-time information about rolling stock assets in your fleets. Railigent X uses cloud technology to normalize asset information across your fleets, and deliver it to you in a well-defined structure.

Data Flow

Why Data services via an API?

Following the Data as a Service (DaaS) paradigm, Data services packages give you a convenient way of obtaining live vehicle data in near real-time via a machine-to-machine interface. You can then process this data in your own business applications, according to your own business needs.

We provide a growing number of standardized data services packages for vehicle owners and operators.

Your Benefits:

  • Receive asset data in near-real time in order to optimize operations
  • A clearly documented API makes it easy to integrate data into your systems
  • Once set up, flexibly order additional data service packages

Available Data Services Packages

Currently, you can order the following Data services packages:

Live Vehicle Information

The Live Vehicle Information package provides railway operators and leasing companies with a seamless way to integrate real-time data on the position, speed, and mileage of their rail vehicles directly into their IT systems. Unlike manual data collection or third-party hardware solutions, this API-based service delivers reliable, up-to-date information across all the vehicles in a customer’s fleet, with no additional effort required in workshops or on the vehicles. By easily incorporating critical vehicle data points, users can gain a continuous, near real-time overview of their fleet, enabling more informed decisions and quicker responses to changing conditions.

Key benefits of the Live Vehicle Information API include streamlined data integration, improved visibility and responsiveness, and hassle-free implementation. The standard package provides access to key asset data points: position, speed, mileage, vehicle ID, and trip ID, in near real-time. Customers can rely on consistent, accurate information across their entire fleet, regardless of hardware or software version, thanks to the platform's enterprise-grade reliability and security.

Designed for railway operators, locomotive owners, and leasing companies, the Live vehicle information package offers a seamless solution for integrating critical vehicle data into existing operational and fleet management systems.

Occupancy Information

Occupancy Information is an optional data package. For passenger vehicles, it provides the degree of occupancy of a wagon (or vehicle, in case the vehicle uses Jacobs bogies), in percent.

This package is an optional add-on to Basic Vehicle Information. It is aimed at operators of passenger vehicles.

Vehicle Status

The Vehicle Status package provides railway operators, owners, and lessors with real-time data from critical onboard systems, enabling continuous tracking and analytics of their rail vehicle operations. Delivered via the Railigent X Train API, this service offers visibility into how assets are being utilized, allowing users to optimize vehicle deployment and inform data-driven maintenance planning. Unlike installing third-party hardware, the API-based solution simplifies data access by providing pre-processed operational data that can be easily integrated into existing systems.

Key benefits of the Vehicle Status package include enhanced operational efficiency, improved vehicle utilization, and streamlined data integration. Railway operators and vehicle owners can analyze usage patterns to plan maintenance and circulation, while dispatchers and rental companies can leverage historical data to optimize fleet deployment. The flexible, scalable, and secure platform allows customers to seamlessly incorporate vehicle status information into their own analytics and reporting tools. Designed for railway operators, vehicle owners and lessors, as well as dispatchers and rental companies, the Vehicle Status package offers an enterprise-grade solution for accessing critical operational data, and supporting sophisticated analytics use cases.

Subset of available data:

  • Train Mode: Current operational mode of the train.
  • Line Current: Electrical current in the train's power line.
  • Line Voltage: Voltage in the train's power line.
  • Tractive Effort: Force exerted by the train for movement.
  • Cab: Status of the train's cab.
  • Number of Locomotives: Count of locomotives in the train.
  • Pantograph: Status of the train's pantograph.
  • Wheel: Status of the train's wheels.
  • Brake Effort: Force applied by the train's braking system.
  • Train Length: Total length of the train.
  • Train Shutdown: Indicates if the train is shut down.
  • Train Weight: Total weight of the train.
  • CCU1 Software Version: Software version of the first control unit.
  • CCU2 Software Version: Software version of the second control unit.
  • RDA Software Version: Software version of the remote data acquisition unit.
  • Diesel Tank Liquid Level: Liquid level in the diesel tank.
  • Main Air Pressure: Pressure in the main air system.
  • Energy: Energy consumption or generation status.
  • Pressure Brake Pipe: Pressure in the brake pipe.
Vehicle Counters

The Vehicle Counters package provides railway operators and leasing companies with a data service that delivers the current values of maintenance-relevant counters from their rail vehicles. This information allows users to plan data-driven maintenance by gaining visibility into the operation hours and switching cycles of critical components, rather than relying on time-based schedules. For dispatchers and rental companies, the historical counter data can also be leveraged to inform the efficient allocation and circulation of the vehicle fleet.

Key benefits of the Vehicle Counters package include optimized maintenance planning, enhanced fleet utilization, and streamlined data access. Unlike manual data collection or the installation of third-party hardware, the API-based solution provides accurate and up-to-date counter information with minimal effort required on the customer's part. The comprehensive counter data can be easily integrated into existing maintenance planning, fleet management, and analytics systems. Designed for railway operators, locomotive owners, as well as dispatchers and rental companies, the Vehicle Counters package offers an enterprise-grade platform for accessing critical operational data.

Subset of available data:

  • Time in DC Mode 1500V On: Duration the vehicle operates in 1500V DC mode.
  • Time in DC Mode 3000V On: Duration the vehicle operates in 3000V DC mode.
  • Time in AC Mode 25KV On: Duration the vehicle operates in 25kV AC mode.
  • Time in AC Mode 15KV On: Duration the vehicle operates in 15kV AC mode.
  • Time Main Switch DC On: Duration the main switch is on in DC mode.
  • Time Main Switch AC On: Duration the main switch is on in AC mode.
  • Switch Cycles Main Switch DC: Number of cycles the main switch operates in DC mode.
  • Switch Cycles Main Switch AC: Number of cycles the main switch operates in AC mode.
  • Operating Time Vehicle: Total operating time of the vehicle.
  • Time Speed Greater Than 2KMH: Duration the vehicle speed is greater than 2 km/h.
  • Switch Cycles Main Air Compressor: Number of cycles the main air compressor operates.
Vehicle Config Data

The Vehicle Config Data Package provides rail operators with a centralized source of comprehensive vehicle data to support informed decision-making and efficient fleet management. The package documents the vehicle's key technical specifications, including maximum speed, starting traction, and braking force, which can be valuable for optimizing operations and maintenance.

The package covers essential vehicle master data, such as the UIC number, vehicle variant, and the latest software release available for that specific model. At the core of the package is a detailed list of the hardware and software versions currently installed on the vehicle's RDA (Remote Diagnostic Access) box. This information is complemented by a "Target/Current Analysis" (TCA) report, which identifies any deviations between the target software release and the versions currently running on the vehicle. This analysis helps pinpoint vehicles that may require software updates. For vehicles where Siemens is responsible for service, the package includes the target software release, enabling a direct comparison to the actual installed version.

Subset of available data:

  • Vehicle master data: UIC number, vehicle variant. Latest software release available for this vehicle. For vehicles where SMO is responsible for service, we also provide the target release for each vehicle.
  • Keeper, as known by Siemens. (Customers can request an update via help desk ticket.)
  • Vehicle capabilities:
    • max speed
    • max starting traction
    • max braking force
  • List of reported hard- and software versions from the RDA box: Actual vehicle configuration, as maintained
  • Target / Current Analysis: actual software versions on vehicle vs current software versions on vehicle, indicating which device should receive which software, in which version.

Deprecation Policy

In the course of product and feature development at SMO, the API may evolve. We want to ensure that customers receive the information they need to take advantage of these features, and to update their systems in time. Features from previous releases may become deprecated with a new feature release (“breaking change”). SMO will notify API customers ahead of the release date, and ensure six months of backward compatibility. Examples of breaking changes are:

  • Changes to endpoint URIs
  • Changes in the API´s request / response structure
  • Changes in HTTP methods used