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RailXplore Fusion

RailXplore Fusion enables the exchange of diagnostic data with various internal and external systems, applications, and data sources into a cohesive and seamless operational data hub concept

Digital Transformation for Sustainable Mobility with RailXplore Fusion


Integrating and automating workflows into day-to-day operations is key to harness the full potential of digitalization.

RailXplore Fusion enables the exchange of diagnostic data with various internal and external systems, applications, and data sources into a cohesive and seamless operational data hub concept


How RailXplore Fusion works

Fusion provides a holistic API management, a powerful query engine and allows to define business logics to enable mission critical workflow automation and integration between our RailXplore diagnostic solutions and partner systems. Available APIs will be released via the Siemens Xcelerator Developer Portal and can be integrated project specific.
