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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Siemens Xcelerator?

Siemens Xcelerator is an open digital business platform that enables customers to accelerate their digital transformation easier, faster and at scale. It consists of a curated portfolio of connected hardware and software, a powerful ecosystem of partners, and an extensive marketplace.

Where can I get more Information about the Siemens Xcelerator Products?

You can find more information about Siemens Xcelerator Products on Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace.

What is an API Product?

An API Product is a software solution to a business problem which consists of one or more APIs. API product can be stand-alone or an enhancement of a software product. API Products can be easily integrated with other systems, they can be updated more quickly and they offer additional flexibility and scalability for the customers.

Where can I find more Information about API Products offered by Siemens?

You can find our API Products on the Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace in the API World section. There you can explore the whole range of our API products, understand their business value and place your orders.

Where can I find the Developer Documentation for the Siemens API Products?

This information is available in the documentation section of the developer portal.

Where can I find Siemens API Catalogue?

The API catalogue is a valuable resource for developers who are looking to use Siemens APIs. It contains API descriptions, SDKs for popular programming languages like Java, Python or Typescript, and tools which can help developers build and test applications that use Siemens APIs.

Do you offer SDKs for your API Products?

Yes, they can be found via API catalogue or in the SDK section of the Siemens Xcelerator Developer Portal.

How can I quickly build User Interfaces for Industrial Applications?

Siemens offers Industrial Design Systems which support both designers and developers. Our open source design system iX provides design libraries for tools like Sketch or Figma, industrial icon system with over 500+ icons and ui components built with native web technologies. The web components can also be used from popular frameworks like Angular, Blazor, React or Vue.

Wait, iX is Open Source?

Yes! Siemens has resolved to be an active and reliable member in the Open Source ecosystem. We aim to benefit our customers, employees, and the company, while contributing to the wider community. We recognize the central role of Open Source in promoting software reuse in our growing digital world, which is an increasingly important contribution in our effort to responsibly handle resources.

Have a look at Siemens Open Source Manifesto as well.

Can I try out the Siemens APIs without purchasing the products first?

Our API Catalogue is available on the Public API Network hosted by Postman which makes it very easy to create a mock server for Siemens APIs, so that you can play with the APIs also without having access to the corresponding API Products. Some products also offer test / start for free accounts. The contact information is published in the developer documentation in the contact pages.

Do you also support low code development?

Yes! Mendix is a low-code application development platform provided by Siemens. You can find more information about Mendix also in the corresponding section in the Siemens Xcelerator Developer Portal.

This sounds great! How can I join Siemens Xcelerator Ecosystem?

Regardless of whether your company is large, medium-sized, or small. When we work and innovate together, we create better solutions than on our own. Join the Siemens Xcelerator ecosystem and discover the many market players whose interoperable offerings complement yours – which allows to build holistic solutions for the customer. You’ll strengthen your offerings and increase your customer reach.

Join the Siemens Xcelerator Ecosystem