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Submit for a decision¶

Once you have created the proposal you can submit it for a credit decision. For this to happen all the pre-conditions have to be fulfilled.

Decision pre-check (optional)¶

This allows you to check that all pre-conditions have been fulfilled and that you are able to submit for a credit decision.

If allowed, you will see 'requestAllowed: true'. If not the response will highlight what is wrong.

  "requestAllowed": true,
  "cancelAllowed": true,
  "preconditionViolations": [
      "code": "string",
      "userMessage": "string"

If the requestAllowed is false, please check your proposal creation set up, or correct the violations and try again.

Submit for decision¶

If you have had a positive result to the pre-check response (optional) above, or are confident that what you have created is correct, you may submit it for a credit decision.

  "commentToRiskAnalyst": "string",
  "siemensMayContactCustomer": false,
  "siemensMayRequestCreditData": false,
  "prelease": false
commentToRiskAnalyststringfalseOptional comment to the underwriter
siemensMayContactCustomer*booleanfalseDetails if Siemens needs to contact customer
siemensMayRequestCreditData*booleanfalseCredit data request - US only proposals
prelease*booleanfalsePayment required in advance of equipment being built

*mandatory fields

A successful response will include the entire proposal object, including a decision object:

  "decision": {
    "decisionStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
    "decisionRequestedDate": "2023-06-15T10:14:03.968Z",
    "decisionDate": "2023-06-15T10:14:03.968Z",
    "decisionValidUntilDate": "2023-06-15T10:14:03.968Z",
    "comment": "string",
    "condition": "string",
    "reason": "string",
    "commentToRiskAnalyst": "string",
    "siemensMayContactCustomer": true

If you're missing the ETag, once fetched, add it into the If-Match paramater seen here in a Postman example:

ETag Upload

Decision Statuses¶

The credit decision status can be one of the following:

NOT_AVAILABLEThere is no decision status available
PENDINGThe proposal has been sent to manual underwriting for review
ACCEPTEDThe proposal has been credit approved
DECLINEDThe proposal is declined
MORE_INFORMATION_REQUIREDMore information is needed to progress
CANCELLEDThe proposal has been cancelled
UNKNOWNIssue with proposal, will need a manual review
AMENDThe proposal is credit approved but deal amendment required
ACCEPTED_WITH_CONDITIONSThe proposal has been accepted but with conditions
EXPIREDThe proposal has expired


The credit decision status is not the same as the proposal status.